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i'm addicted to video games and it ruins my life

I've been playing video games since I was like ten years old. Now I'm twenty and I can't stop playing them and nothing helps me to get rid of this addiction. When quarantine started and I didn't have to go to school anymore because of online classes, I stopped goind outside at all. I gained a lot of weight,I have heart problems now and binge eating disorder which makes me go into a spiral of hating myself and my body and it doesn't help my problem of not going out. I also spend a ridiculous amount of money on this online in game stuff like skins etc., so it is even worse. I don't know what to do. I also don't expect anyone to give me advice or anything, I jsut needed to post it somewhere so that I can feel a little bit lighter, idk
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The answer is simple, but it's not easy. All of that stimulation is invigorating but I'm telling you, as a guy who used to do nothing but game, and who still games from time to time, you gotta aim for something in the real world to accomplish and devote a certain amount of time out of your day for that. There are so many things out there in the world that can scratch that itch even better than video games. You have to believe that, and you have to believe that you can achieve that. If you continue to lean on video games for all of your excitement, it will make for a regrettable situation for you even beyond what you're already experiencing, trust me. You can still have time dedicated to play, but you're going to have to force yourself to spend your time toward other hobbies and goals. It's all about time management and commitment. Sorry you're struggling with this addiction. Wish there was an easy answer.
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
Welcome to the club
ezxlly · 16-17, F
man are you actually okay ?
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Just throw the game machine in the rubbish bin

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