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Mildly AdultAnxious
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What do i do

I already feel pitiful because im trying to find some place or someone to vent to. I started living to another city for my study. 7 hours travel from my home. I'm living with my friend I've known for almost 6 years but there's something wrong.

She has a boyfriend who calls her every day and her parents she either call or they call, everyday. My parents doesn't. They only message me once in a blue moon. So i kinda feel lonely and left out. I haven't talked to anybody yet. Maybe I won't because there's no one. My problem is, im just really feeling lonely and my social anxiety suddenly activated again and it's so annoying.

I wanted to go home just to ease my mind but friends keep saying that it's fast. I only stayed here for a month and already wants to go home. Im not homesick. I just wanna ease my mind and relax. Everyone is affecting me negatively. I cry most of the nights now silently since i share the same room with my friend. I don't know what to do anymore.

If you're still reading this, thank you for your time.
Penny · 46-50, F
just focus on your studies and maybe make a little effort to get to know some people that you go to school with that you like if you can? you can always come on here and chat people up if you are feeling lonely too

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