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So tired of this crap [I Just Need To Vent]

I need to vent a little, is been a very long week. I had a regular follow up appt and was going to bring it up then.I started getting sick about a week ago and it had I was only getting worse. So when I went to the clinic I called their number and told them my symptoms and I was sent to the hospital instead. I had, and still have, a fever over 102 and body aches, really bad cough, and general congestion. With stomach problems. So the dr. said he suspected COVID said to quarantine until I get a call from them, had me tested, and sent me home. I have been sick ever since. I have a pre existing condition that makes my immune system less than stellar. Today i have felt the worst i had since i started feeling sick. Called the Dr and basically said that my results weren't back and that it was originally just hitting me harder and that i should make a tele appt with my regular dr. So i did that. Just so tired of feeling this sick.
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PLEASE buy as much fresh blueberries as possible. Natures miracle fruit. The highest antioxidant of all the fruits. Especially good for the immune system and effectively fighting off communicable virus like Covid. and SO much more! (read up on it hon)

I wish you my very best hon!
I understand...I too had to wait 2w before anyone could see me to fix my stomach problems. These are the times we live in now. At my primary physicians office they answer the phone and state that they do not see sick patients. I get what she meant, but at the same time...doesn’t that mean the doctors office should be closed? Like what’s the point of all these doctors NOT see sick patients?
cheyster · 31-35, F
@DecafD exactly. My ears have been killing me and making me wobbly and tippy but they want me to talk to be reg dr
braveheart21 · 61-69, M
Call your pharmacy and see if they have the rapid covid tests.. For a few dollars you will get a 95% accurate result in 20mins...the doc should have the covid results back from the lab in 48hrs... Any longer and you need to be getting on his case and hard
cheyster · 31-35, F
@braveheart21 all good
braveheart21 · 61-69, M
Might be a stupid thought but have you tried a covid test now @cheyster
cheyster · 31-35, F

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