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I Will Vent Here

The neighbour's dog is barking all the time. It's past midnight and it looks like he does this every night. The worst thing is he's closer to my window than my neighbour's and I don't want to cause any disturbance by complaining...but I really need some silence to study. 😭
ExtremeNext · 31-35
A piece of meat with rat poison should work
Justabitweeb · 36-40, M
@ExtremeNext lmao you realize humans are the ones who raise them. There's shitty humans and you gunna blame the dog that was raised prolly by some shitbag? Get over yourself. 1 bad experience doesn't mean a whole species is bad. That's stereotyping and a fucked up way of thinking. Freaking racists think that shitty way as well, just saying.
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@Justabitweeb I'm finding you very sexy at the moment 🥴
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
@ExtremeNext That is INHUMANE. And most dogs are smart enough NOT to eat something with something foreign in it. At least, all my dogs were. If you want to poison something, there are plenty of rats and mice in the alleys.
MaryJanine · 61-69, F
The other day I was doing laundry when the trash man came over and wrapped on the window. When I went to answer, he said something about the dog in the garage that was barking. I told him no one in my building had a dog and I didn't know whose it was. The following afternoon, I saw the boy two doors down with his dog outside. I figured that was it. The weekend came. Saturday morning, the same man rang my bell with the same question. told him, "I told you we don't HAVE a dog- my landlord won't allow it. Go three doors down the street - THERE'S your dog!"

I feel for you. I have an upstairs neighbor who decides 10:30 (curfew) is the time to play radio or music - over my bedroom. I have already complained.
Can’t you just listen to some calming music? Or be nice and tell the dog owner that you need to study and need silence?
Melpomene · 22-25, F
@pillowthoughts I tried listening to music but this dog is the only thing that is heard in the street and I don't want to disturb anyone even more...
Why would you think I wouldn't be nice? Just because it bothers me doesn't mean I'll be unreasonable. It's a dog, he's in their yard so he'd bark. I just wish he wouldn't bark so much, but if he needs training, I doubt they'll do much or anything about it, especially since I need that silence for the next 3-4 weeks and I should be gone next month.
Kardre · 51-55, M
Very rude, I'd it's that late it's not complaining they are being a nuisance
Melpomene · 22-25, F
@Kardre I heard someone else already complained because it looks like he barks all night, every night? And most of them went away for their vacation...
Ian123 · 61-69, M
If its annoying you, complain. Why should you suffer
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
What about putting a note in their mail box saying pretty much what you just wrote here, they may not be aware he is barking. A barking dog is usually a bored dog.
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
@Melpomene ah..well that sucks, long shot, but can you offer to walk it yourself? a half hour might be a good trade off to be able to study. You shouldn't have to even consider it, but they don't sound like the sort of people who are going to do much about it
Melpomene · 22-25, F
@Bushmanoz No way. I already have a bunch of responsibilities. And who even walks a dog in the night? I've never heard him bark during the day
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
@Melpomene I thought it was an unreasonable request anyway, it shouldnt be up to you..i didnt mean during the night though, they need to walk him period, he's barking because he is bored. I hate owners like that

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