I Need to Vent
I am filled with hate for my childs father. For 6 months a nurse in his family was harrassing me while i was pregnant and he allowed it. I finally stood up for myself by standing my ground and he is icing me out cause clearly they are getting in his head. He told me i need to make peace with them as if i shouldnt stand up for myself. I have no regrets putting his family in line it felt great releasing all that stress but what confuses me is why would you get mad at me when you couldve stopped this in the first place. I begged him over to stop allowing her to harrass me. I hate that this is all i think about especially when i have a newborn to take care of by myself because i do not feel safe returning back to live with him. I cant believe he chose his family over me when he swore that the 2 of us is all he is concerned about. I am so depressed.

i never wanted to take care of my daughter alone and now i am officially a single parent.