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I Need to Vent

I am filled with hate for my childs father. For 6 months a nurse in his family was harrassing me while i was pregnant and he allowed it. I finally stood up for myself by standing my ground and he is icing me out cause clearly they are getting in his head. He told me i need to make peace with them as if i shouldnt stand up for myself. I have no regrets putting his family in line it felt great releasing all that stress but what confuses me is why would you get mad at me when you couldve stopped this in the first place. I begged him over to stop allowing her to harrass me. I hate that this is all i think about especially when i have a newborn to take care of by myself because i do not feel safe returning back to live with him. I cant believe he chose his family over me when he swore that the 2 of us is all he is concerned about. I am so depressed.😭😭😭 i never wanted to take care of my daughter alone and now i am officially a single parent.
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Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
He is not father, he is a sperm donor, nothing more.
Neither you, nor your baby need to be around that negative energy.
Create a happy positive uplifting atmosphere for your child and you
What relation is this harraser the the sperm donor?
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
@Groofydorkgerdo i swear i have been with him for 4 years and is only when i was pregnant is when i saw everyone true colours. Suddenly her mother too was mildly disrespectful as well and she too is a nurse. At a point she was telling me not to touch my child while she was asleep. When i just had her. I dont know what i do to this day to get this level of hostility.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
@Dragonflyii It sounds like they are WAY to controlling. There is to much hostility in his family.
Best thing I can think of advising you to do is keep. your distance physically
Text the sperm donor, giving him up dates about his baby.
That way, his family can't say you are hiding the baby out from.them
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
I will do that. I dont even want anyone of his family around her because they badtalk him too and suddenly they are active in his life.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
Youre a dimond. Let him be with the rocks.
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
@ScarletWitch thank you🤗
Aw I'm sorry... he should have been showing some strength by putting you and his kids welfare first and telling his family to back off. I was in a relationship for 20 years and my partner eventually put her family ahead of me. It really hurts i know.
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
@SW-User it hurts alot especially now that i have a newborn.
@Dragonflyii I can't imagine what it's like knowing you have that responsibility but don't have a strong reliable father who'll be there for you. You can't blame yourself though, it's not like you set out for things to turn out this way and it's not like anyone gets to attend training courses for relationships. I mean they don't even teach these kinds of things at high school, just math etc yet then suddenly everyone is supposed to get the whole family thing right the first time. You can only try your best. I hope things work out for you and the baby.
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
Thanks alot. I hope so too...
Mizzblue42 · 31-35, F
It gets really does. You may not have all the answers right now and they will come in time. Sorry this is happening.
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
@Mizzblue42 thanks i am too my daughter deserves better
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
Thanks for all the posts. Its giving me the strength to move forward.😏
Bad decisions. Oh well.
Mizzblue42 · 31-35, F
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
@Mizzblue42 thats ok. I deserve it i shouldve kept it pushing in the beginning of my pregnancy when his cousin started to harass me and not let it go this far. I really wanted a family for her because i didnt have both of my parents growing up but it wasnt meant to be. So i have to move on.
Scribbles · 36-40, F
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
@Scribbles i wish that was real i hate feeling like this😭
GoodoldBob · 61-69, M
I hope that you will find the courage to go forward. By now you already know that you are better off without his cowardly and shallow influence. Good luck.
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
@GoodoldBob thank you
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Do you believe in God? Because you seem to need him now.
Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst ofc i believe in god i need him now more than ever.
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Dragonflyii · 26-30, F
@SageAdvice 😂😂😂 thanks
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F

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