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im trying so hard not to rage

last sunday, my mom brought me to a shopping mall for lunch. it was nice and we really enjoyed our lunch. after that, i excused myself to the bathroom. right in front of the sinks were two ‘popular’ girls from my school and they were talking abt their day or some shit. i gotta admit i was kind of surprised that they were there and also kind of embarrassed because i wasnt nicely dressed that day and they looked like they put in a lot of effort to dress up. i just ignored them and went into a cubicle because i don’t talk to them in school so there was no reason to start a convo. they realised it was me and the moment they saw me, they suddenly whispered amongst themselves while i was doing my business. then they said out loud: “wasn’t that XXX?” “oh ya its XXX. shes damn annoying.” they laughed loudly and walked out of the bathroom. i might sound overly sensitive but i can’t lie, their words got to me and i spent a few minutes just sitting on the toilet seat and wondering what i did that was so annoying in my entire life. now im afraid to show my face to them at school (we share chemistry, history and literature) and i have those lessons on wednesday… gosh i hate them so much!!
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plungesponge · 41-45, M
It's probably not the words. It's the unnecessary cruelty. People who do things because they think they can get away with it, are just begging for someone to prove them wrong. In fact I'd say most of what's wrong with the world exists because of people who engage in this behavior
Pitsilizater · 31-35, M
Be brave and calm. If they mess with you again start thinking of how to get them back. I used to be physically aggressive with people that tried to bully me ( I am stronger than I look), you can use your own skills and tendencies. But don't be cruel, just put them in their place.
Punches · 46-50, F
Nobody enjoys being insulted.
School sucks and people are rude.
It might not help right now but when school is over you will likely never see them again.
Once we get into the real world, very few people act that way. You have more control over your environment so you are not forced to be around people you do not like.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@Punches True.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
@Punches Good comment. School is a hothouse of misery for many. We have more control in the real world.
Oh I didn’t reed past three sentences, sorry.
life will serve them their share
Who’s XXX?
@SW-User me
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