smiler2012 · 61-69
@SigmaWolf 🤔you may only have a small circle of friends but that is not bad in one way as they must all be people you feel comfortable too around and associate with
@smiler2012 they are real and if im not around they will defend my name and not talk bad about me, they will spit the truth in person right away
smiler2012 · 61-69
@SigmaWolf that is what i am preciselyh talking about you do not need a big circle of friends as then there is more chance you will get them who will betray you and bad mouth you behind your back though they call them a so called friend. what you have is worth its weight in gold a small few who will fight your corner and not let you be bad mouthed by others
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Nothing wrong with you. That's how you are hard-wired to be. You're a Sigma, just like me.
Thrust · 56-60, M
I hate to be THAT GUY - but if you are a Sigma you'd never announce it. The two things are mutually exclusive.
Nothing wrong with a small group of friends. Most, as time goes on, find that that's where they end up.
Nothing wrong with a small group of friends. Most, as time goes on, find that that's where they end up.
OogieBoogie · F
I think you kinda answered your own question in there....
.don't have mutual connections with.... who are temporary
@OogieBoogie i want deeper answers some of my colleagues can be fake just to get the validation of those people around them
OogieBoogie · F
@SigmaWolf i think deeper part to your you .
Ive worked at the same place for over a decade, and i have one real friend there. (And we made friends in about 20 minutes).....everyone else : i gave up trying.
A few of them are lovely - but just not my tribe. They operate with different interests and priorities. Others: i have found i deeply dont like - their morals and self importance grate on me.
I have reconciled myself to it never happening, amd now even have come to the realization that i prolly dont wanna be their friend as their interests and ways i find tedious, just as mine do to them.
- I talk philosophy - they talk Facebook.
- They talk about take-aways, and i talk foreign cusine
- they gossip, i ponder the psychology behind it.
As much as they are ok people, its just too much energy to stay at their level and think like they do .
We get along ....but thats only coz i try. I dont see it being reciprocated , prolly coz they think the same of me, as i do of them ....but without the perception.
Like @Nitedoc says - i dont think theres anything wrong with you , youre just operating on a different wavelength 🤷♀
If people cant 'see' and appreciate you for what you bring to the dynamic - you cant make them.
Theres a reason sigmas are considered 'lone wolves'....they are a bit of every type, but not quite any particular one: eclectic.
Ive worked at the same place for over a decade, and i have one real friend there. (And we made friends in about 20 minutes).....everyone else : i gave up trying.
A few of them are lovely - but just not my tribe. They operate with different interests and priorities. Others: i have found i deeply dont like - their morals and self importance grate on me.
I have reconciled myself to it never happening, amd now even have come to the realization that i prolly dont wanna be their friend as their interests and ways i find tedious, just as mine do to them.
- I talk philosophy - they talk Facebook.
- They talk about take-aways, and i talk foreign cusine
- they gossip, i ponder the psychology behind it.
As much as they are ok people, its just too much energy to stay at their level and think like they do .
We get along ....but thats only coz i try. I dont see it being reciprocated , prolly coz they think the same of me, as i do of them ....but without the perception.
Like @Nitedoc says - i dont think theres anything wrong with you , youre just operating on a different wavelength 🤷♀
If people cant 'see' and appreciate you for what you bring to the dynamic - you cant make them.
Theres a reason sigmas are considered 'lone wolves'....they are a bit of every type, but not quite any particular one: eclectic.