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My bestfriend's fiance wanted me to be their photographer to save money. What do you think?

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As a photographer myself that is a tough one.

Have you shot a wedding before? Do you know what your friend and their partner are like when they are stressed out of their minds?

And I don't see an issue with working out a price in their budget but don't sell yourself too short or people will start to think they can come to you for the "friends and family discount" and your work won't be valued.

And you might get "why should I pay full price when so and so got a discount" when others approach you.

Also if you agree do do it sit down and go over all the details of what is expected, what they want and basics like how long you are going to be shooting for, if they will have food and drink for you etc.

And personally I like including a "personal style" clause in any contract. Meaning if they want me to shoot something it is because they like my work and trust me to produce work in the style I work in.

If they are looking for a completely different style of photography than what you do at best you are making more work for yourself and at worst neither party will be happy with the results.
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I have covered a wedding ONCE, since I didn't pursue my career in photography. I was wondering if they'll gonna pay me or not. Because all I want is not to be taken advantage of. I love my friends of course, it'll be an honor to take photos for their prenup.
@sugarpie For me photography is largely something I do because I enjoy it not to pay bills so I get it.

My advice is if you feel confident about it you should sit down and talk it out the earlier the better before pre wedding emotional stress and chaos starts clouding things.

Express your feelings about it and set your terms that you ware willing to work with them and their budget but don't let them take advantage of you either. And that doesn't have to necessarily be malicious on their part. Explain what is involved and what your costs are. Most people will not want to screw over their friends.
BlueVeins · 22-25
They better be payin' you!
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
That’s how my coworker got into being a freelance photographer. She did a cousin’s wedding and the pictures turned out great. Took some photography courses and now she has gigs all the time
As a best friend i would suspect that you might be in the wedding party. Either way it's going to take away any fun at the festivities for you if you're working and i suspect the fiancée expects a deal or for free.
@sugarpie starts as that but is there going to be another photographer after the nuptials and at the reception?
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@SW-User they haven't give me any details yet
@sugarpie i understand that you would be doing them a big favor but your time at the wedding will be ruined. I feel for you having to make this choice
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
It's a good idea...if you wanna.
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@FloorGenAdm I'm not really decided yet
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
Maybe you should ask them the details first if they gonna pay you and what are their expectation or you’ll end up overthinking. Both of you should meet halfway.
I know you want to help but don’t want to get taken advantage as well.
GentlemanPirate · 51-55, M
No don't do it.... the expectation on pictures at weddings is tremendous , even if they say its it.... it is. If you don't get good photo or not the right one their will be hurt feeling. And if you do a good how are you going to enjoy the wedding,
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
That depends,do you take good photos?
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@PinkMoon idkkk, I dont even know if they'll pay me
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
@sugarpie That's my point,if you're doing it for free don't worry about it too much. If you're worried about messing up don't be, you'll do great and if you don't AI can fix it. This should count as a wedding gift so at least you got that covered.
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@PinkMoon I would actually love to helppp. But idk ot really feels so heavy. I can't even sleep
Fairydust · F
For their wedding?
Fairydust · F

Maybe? What if she doesn’t like them? Puts pressure on you.
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@Fairydust I see. Maybe it's the pressure that makes me feel this heavy
Fairydust · F
I work in weddings and many can end up not liking the photos, especially from friends and family.
I guess it just depends on if they are fussy etc.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
How will you click without a thumb?
Typical things. They won't pay you but will let you experience you the fun parts of wedding. Also that you will get free food! Enjoy 😊
smiler2012 · 61-69
@sugarpie maybe a little tight fisted on your finance part or frugal even .how do you feel about it do you take a good picture the pressure is rather on you really
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@smiler2012 right. I really don't know
DrWatson · 70-79, M
If you do it for free, that certainly counts as a wedding gift.
DavyPNW · 56-60, M
Could be your wedding present to them
Double down and raise the prices
Hiyall1t1me · 41-45, M
Your probably worth more!
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Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Don’t be to cheap!!
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@Quimliqer ikr 🥹
in10RjFox · M
Charge 50% and his saving will be 50% ..

Or ask for a new iPhone to shoot.
Will they pay you?
@sugarpie cos it's a lovely gesture, but also, you need to agree on details beforehand
sugarpie · 26-30, F
@V00doo to be honest I was quite excited when she was talking with me. But I suddenly feel heavy this night and kept thinking about it
@sugarpie That sounds like a red flag not to bring it up immediately.
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sugarpie · 26-30, F
@Stereoguy part of me wanted to help them, the other part is anxiety
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I'd say no, I'd feel taken advantage of, they need to hire a licensed and bonded professional.

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