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Carver I Miss You So Much!

@Carver Please come back :(

[image deleted]
Hope she's well
I hope she is doing okay!馃ズ
KaysHealingPath36-40, F
@SW-User @Ksmile14 I haven鈥檛 heard from her in months. Since the day she went into surgery

So many things have crossed my mind about the situation but I just hope that she is ok
@KaysHealingPath We do as well. Good to see you sissy!馃馃
KaysHealingPath36-40, F
@SW-User 馃
lilacs41-45, F
She's a good egg. Hoping she comes back
@lilacs Yes they are. Makes e sad. :(
lilacs41-45, F
@Ksmile14 Stay positive, okay?
@lilacs Thank you. I'm trying!!! *hug*
Degbeme70-79, M
Oh that`s right I haven`t seen her in ages. I like her. I hope she is doing well. 鉂わ笍
Yeah it's been a while
I like her
@SW-User Me too :(
Roastbeef41-45, M
hope she gets well soon and comes back
DragonFruit61-69, M
I miss her a lot! 馃槥
@DragonFruit IKR? :(
Dan19331-35, M
I missss you tooo Carver
bellybuttonfan1736-40, M
We all miss her so ! 馃ズ馃ズ馃馃
sarabee199526-30, F
JustA36-40, M
What's wrong with her?
JustA36-40, M
@Ksmile14 dang it..I truly hope she's ok. Was the surgery a major one? It seems like you 2 were pretty close, did you communicate outside SW? Are there other means of contact?
@Ksmile14 I think someone with VIP can check her last online date?
braveheart2161-69, M
No last seen date on her page @SW-User
uncalled456-60, M
I miss Carver, too! :(

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