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I Hate My Life

So, my so called mother accidentally left her bedroom door unlocked and I figured that her boyfriend’s family is walking around with my passport because I Checked her whole room to see if it was there, and there was no evidence of them having my worst fear is that my so called Mother’s boyfriend’s family may be walking around with my passport if they decide to bare arms and not only that, they stole my bank teller vault combination which opens the main vault to the bank I used to work at as a teller and my main reason for being fearful is that these people may be armed and they usually sexually abuse me in the nighttime while I’m having those undiagnosed seizures I was telling you about being that my so called Mother’s real family in India are hacking my hospital blood test results and scans taken in the USA. My so called Mother bullies me for money and she bullied me for my passport and when I told her “no that she couldn’t have it” while it was in my hands, she tried pulling it out and when she couldn’t get a good grip she stood on my feet, with all her weight and with her dirty clogs on, she yanked it out of my hands, as I tried to latch onto it and when I pushed her off of me, she hit me a few times, she cussed me, and she called me a “fuckin’ Nigger”.
My worst fear is that if my so called Mother’s boyfriend’s family is armed they could easily take my passport and my vault combination and enter the bank that I used to work at and hold the bank up, I’m scared to let law enforcement know anything being that once, they arrested me for grand larceny against my so called Mother who took all of my Father’s inheritance, all $100,000 of it, and my hard earnings, which she bullied me for and my disability money, which her White boyfriend’s family drugged me to have. I’m also scared that her boyfriend’s family is pretending not to know one another, and as Psychopathic as they are, some of them are lawyers and are working for law enforcement in the United States of America when I have nothing because of them and the Hindus of India, like my so called Mother, who made them hate me by telling them that I was a product of a Black man raping her, when I share no blood with her. My so called Mother just hates me for being Half Indo Guyanese and had wanted my Predominantly White Caucasian father (because he was part Black, but my so called Mother and her Hindu India Terrorist family considered him thoroughbred Caucasian because of what he looked like), for herself after she stole my parents’ keys and had separated them by drugging them. When she succeeded in drugging them apart, she got an identity change in India to look exactly like my real Indo Hindu Guyanese Mother and had my real Indo Hindu Guyanese Mother Abducted and murdered upon getting an identity change in India to look exactly like her because this Hindu India bastard, this Genocide, hated Indo Caribbean people and thought that they shouldn’t be with White Caucasian people, whom she and her Hindu India people consider “God”. I wanted my passport to go to motor vehicles on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn so I could get a non driver’s real photo identification so it would come in handy for anything I need to do.

So, my so called Mother had her boyfriend’s family stole my passport from her room, so if they ever decide to bare arms or steal from anywhere, or hurt or rape anyone, they’ll drop my passport after doing so, and then I’ll get into trouble, especially when the FBI finds my DNA on them being that they sexually abuse me while I’m having seizures and when they lie and say that they were in a relationship with me when I only see them while I’m having seizures and can’t find a way to hit them off of me because the fits are taking over my body. My head gets heavy, meaning all the blood races to it, and I think I shake violently, I don’t feeling anything and my whole body goes numb, my eyes do sometimes open, and when I wake up, my face is stinking of feces (but because I have two water bottles and my speaker on its side by my door, My face doesn’t smell like feces anymore, however, I do know that they’ve been moving those items from my door to sexually abuse me and cut my toes, especially the left one) and my toes and nasal passage are severely cut up and my nose hurts tremendously, but my toes don’t hurt at all and have extremely deep cuts. I’m afraid and the law knows that I have mental illness based on an online threat that I wrote to get then to investigate my situation, but they arrested me because they felt that my threats were real and the District Attorney’s Office won’t grant any leniency towards my case, meaning, that I can’t go back to work as a Home Health Aide because they’re taking my threats very seriously when I had no way in going out of my way for help because my so called Mother’s boyfriend’s family all have listening devices and they know what I do, when I do it, and where I’m going and to whom I’m talking.
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
a lot of drama,but this is the place to vent,
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
you are going to have to go,,,,
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