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What is the mark you want to leave on the world when you pass?

What do you want people to really know and remember about you ?
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DHggmu · 31-35, M
I will raise my future children to live as I have, but even better because I have learnt from my own mistakes, if they are good people who are a positive influence on those around them then maybe the world can start to be a better place for all.
SaorUladh · 26-30, M
Nothing much really. I want to live a life based on virtue and my moral principles. What people think of me when I'm gone doesn't really concern me.

Even if they think great things about me, in the blink of an eye they'll be joining me and I'll be forgotten.
My compassion and empathy. If everyone takes care of eachother, everyone is better off, including the ones that would prefer to only take care of themselves.
I've lost a lot of people and I honestly just hope my passing doesn't hurt my kiddo.
For my family to remember how much I loved them. My sons will speak for me throughout their lives in simply being the kind of men they both are.
@BrandNewMan That's really nice .
BeJeweled · 61-69, F
Id like to be remembered as a kind and thoughful person who was there when they needed me
helenS · 36-40, F
I'll pass on to the next generation what I have received, in good condition.
JackOatMon · 46-50, M
That i left this place better than i found it.
helenS · 36-40, F
@JackOatMon Excellent 👍🏼
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@JackOatMon you be making me smile
Lilymoon · F
That I made at least one person happy
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therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
He fought for the truth.
I want it put on my headstone.............'SEE...... I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK".
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
I don't really care about this fake world

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