Bikerman051, what you have stated in this one post, is actually the way it is. When I was 10 years old, I experienced a near-death incident. I was also at an age where certain 'things' were then 'shown' to me which I would not have questioned at that age, but might have seriously questioned had the experience happened right now in my life.
One of the things I will mention to you now, is something that has not been mentioned yet within this thread. That is, a little tidbit that is straight from the Holy Bible. I am not a religions person at all, but I am acutely aware of Spiritual Connectedness that we all experience daily, even if we are not aware of it. That tidbit from the Bible, is simply a statement that is repeatedly made throughout the Bible it seems. Except, what I have come to realize is that the statement in question is actually a 'factual statement', not just a gesture of open-mindedness designed for the masses to consume.
That factual statement that I am referring to is, that "Life is Eternal". This actually means that we humans 'cannot die', not ever. And I had this shown to me as well as demonstrated to me within my own experience with life & near-death. Although it appears that the body dies, what I had shown to me was that 'life' itself, which is energy, is not contained within the body.
The body itself as a physical structure, does not actually 'live' in the first place, although it 'appears' to contain life. What lives, is the energy of the spirit that is associated with that body. That spirit energy actually 'surrounds' the body during a person's lifetime; it does not enter the body as many of us mistakingly presume that it does. Spirit energy is not ever 'inside' of us. It always resides o the 'outside' of the body. The spirit energy literally cloaks the body somewhat like articles of clothing will cloak the body, resembling an invisible second-overlaying of skin .
When a person appears to die, it is NOT the death of the body which then causes the spirit energy to leave the body; it is the spirit energy CHOOSING to leave the body first ...and in that exact moment of the spirit's departure, the body itself becomes lifeless. At the moment of 'apparent' death, the spirit energy ALWAYS leave the body first, without exception. The body then stops functioning at that moment which is an 'almost-simultaneous' event. This is because the body itself as a physical entity is not capable of functioning in the absence of spirit energy.
The actual spirit energy itself is what actually causes the body to have movement and apparent 'life' throughout the body's existence in a lifetime. In other words, at the moment of 'apparent' death, the body immediately assumes it's natural state, which is a state of 'spiritlessness' (i.e. a body devoid of spirit energy).
Referencing my last sentence above, the only other time the body experiences 'spiritlessness', is immediately prior to that body's birth INTO the lifetime. It is at the moment of birth that the spirit energy enters the body; the body does not actually contain the spirit energy anytime during the 'fetal' stage of pregnancy.
Whenever a 'still-birth' occurs, it is NOT because the infant died prior to being born; it is because the spirit energy chose NOT to enter the body in the first place, which it chooses for a multitude of reasons beyond the scope of this post of mine.
Your 'hunch' that you were receiving 'signs' from your deceased mother, are actually valid signs that should no longer be ignored. The reason I have chosen to tell you this, is because the time has come for you to stop blowing them off as unexplainable coincidences. I would like to talk more to you about this right here on this open forum if you are interested. My name is Jennifer. Great post you made here, by the way!