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SinlessOnslaught · M
This may be the saddest few sentences ever written.
I understand you, Mimi. They made a promise they actually didn't follow through with and your sweet heart cares. Just remember they meant well. ❤🩹
I understand you, Mimi. They made a promise they actually didn't follow through with and your sweet heart cares. Just remember they meant well. ❤🩹
Miram · 31-35, F
@SinlessOnslaught meant well or not, they died.
And now I can't trust anyone about that, and to discuss that part of me.
And now I can't trust anyone about that, and to discuss that part of me.
SinlessOnslaught · M
@Miram Was he still able to share insight with you or help you work anything out?
VeiledExistence · 31-35, M
Death is tough, but we are not meant to live here forever. This life is temporary, to god we belong and to god we will return.