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What do you think of kids "remembering" dying in a former life?

Yesterday, I read about a 7 year old boy whose developmental sequence was considerably far ahead than the majority of toddlers both in terms of motor skills, cognition, expressive language, etc. By age 5 he was already describing the "Twin Towers" of NYC.

Fascinated, yet terrified of airplanes he started doing repeated drawings of planes heading into tall buildings. By 7 he was explaining to his mom how he remembered being on a top floor of one of the buildings and saw one of the planes hit the building. He described his terror jumping out of the window to escape being burned alive and knowing he was going to die as he was falling. Eventually, he claimed remembering his former name as a grown man.

By this time his mom was convinced he was being honest and sincere but decided not to try and contact the family of the man (now a 7 year old) because it would be too hard to accept as genuine, and even if they did accept his story might be too traumatized. (I kind of disagree)

I would have dismissed this story but it's the third time I've read about kids remembering a past life where they were killed'

Any thoughts?
curiouspirit · 36-40, F Best Comment
I think past lives are real and one can remember. I mean how else can we explain everything that young boy says?
@curiouspirit The story before this one was also very convincing. This young boy remembers being in WW2 an Air Force pilot. He could describe facts about planes I am clueless about. He also described other men who also died. One thing in his story is that the older he gets the more the memories seem to fade. I myself, have no memories of any kind except for a re-occurring dream that is straight out of a scene of "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" and my story was written up in a Sedona Az. newspaper. (My 15 minutes of fame lol)
curiouspirit · 36-40, F
@Grateful4you Oh wow, that's awesome! Yes that makes sense that the memories fade as they get older since they are remembering from so long ago.
Byron8by7 · M
@Grateful4you I remember seeing this story about the young boy remembering being a WW2 pilot.

hunkalove · 61-69, M
I remember dying in my previous life. I was a pilot in WWII. But that's all I remember about it.
@hunkalove Apparently, the specifics fade as we get older. Most elder Americans never gave past lives much thought in the early days. I have NO past life memories but do have a universally shared dream shared by people around my age. The year of the "Area51" incident.
could've seen a video clip of it when he was younger. certainly much more plausible than a past life.
@faithfulhusband In each of the three cases the parents deny them having seen any such video's...of course that doesn't mean they didn't, just adds a bit to credibility. No proof. You could well be right.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
I think the only way it couldn't be real is if the parents are fabricating because people fabricate all the time. On the other hand, it's kind of why I tend to think that past lives may very well be real. Some of them probably are lying but not all of them can lie so at least some may be real.
@SatanBurger Personally, the moms I saw making claims, could have won "Best Actress" for her performance. I'm pretty good at identifying fakery when I see it both in terms of objectivity and intuitivity, I'm rarely wrong. Of course I certainly could be.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Grateful4you I don't think they're all lying though.
I've read several of these stories. I'm not sure what to make of them but they're fascinating in how detailed the kids' stories are.
It's particularly interesting to me because my personal belief is that all things in the Universe are connected and cyclical. Everything exists, passes and exists again in one form or another.
@robingoodfellow The operant word is "Cyclical" this is a most insightful comment and I totally agree.
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
Reincarnation makes logical sense to me. We are dead before we are born and yet somehow from this state of nonexistentance we are given life.

When we die we return to being nonexistentant then move on to another life again.
@QueenOfZaun I see it as a wheel, if by the 12th wheel we have full self-realization, we can elect not to come back to this earth experience but proceed in other directions. That probably sounds silly, but I think I'm NOT going to have to come back.
Digoutyoursoul · 31-35, F
Very weird. But I remember two kids who both said, at the same age as each other, they were Mary Queen of Scots in a past life. Now how is that even possible?
@Digoutyoursoul I have no idea. However, unlike our gross physical selves, our consciousness isn't physically limited, thus you and I may have both experienced the same past life. (just an idea)
Digoutyoursoul · 31-35, F
@Grateful4you Very spooky, either way!
I didn't mention, a couple of Canadians came into my frozen yogurt store, apparently they have a support group for folks who have had close encounters. My occurring dream apparently was shared by Steven Speilberg as well as people they have met all over the world.

Everyone of them was in the very same decade as the now infamous "Area 51" I thought that was interesting but more than that, I wonder WHY? to what purpose? Oh well.
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
I believe them. Read too many detailed stories to believe they're all fake.
@BarbossasHusband I totally agree.
Tennessee · 46-50, F
I'd probably lived in Tennessee in a previous life.
@Tennessee Maybe as "Davey Crockett" (?)
Such cases could be real though nothing of the sort have ever happened in the areas around me to confirm.
Reincarnations & past life cases are not a myth, imho.
Iwillwait · M
Very interesting. I am not quite sure what to think, or how I would think on this. I would want to know more and more.

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