What do you think of kids "remembering" dying in a former life?
Yesterday, I read about a 7 year old boy whose developmental sequence was considerably far ahead than the majority of toddlers both in terms of motor skills, cognition, expressive language, etc. By age 5 he was already describing the "Twin Towers" of NYC.
Fascinated, yet terrified of airplanes he started doing repeated drawings of planes heading into tall buildings. By 7 he was explaining to his mom how he remembered being on a top floor of one of the buildings and saw one of the planes hit the building. He described his terror jumping out of the window to escape being burned alive and knowing he was going to die as he was falling. Eventually, he claimed remembering his former name as a grown man.
By this time his mom was convinced he was being honest and sincere but decided not to try and contact the family of the man (now a 7 year old) because it would be too hard to accept as genuine, and even if they did accept his story might be too traumatized. (I kind of disagree)
I would have dismissed this story but it's the third time I've read about kids remembering a past life where they were killed'
Any thoughts?
Fascinated, yet terrified of airplanes he started doing repeated drawings of planes heading into tall buildings. By 7 he was explaining to his mom how he remembered being on a top floor of one of the buildings and saw one of the planes hit the building. He described his terror jumping out of the window to escape being burned alive and knowing he was going to die as he was falling. Eventually, he claimed remembering his former name as a grown man.
By this time his mom was convinced he was being honest and sincere but decided not to try and contact the family of the man (now a 7 year old) because it would be too hard to accept as genuine, and even if they did accept his story might be too traumatized. (I kind of disagree)
I would have dismissed this story but it's the third time I've read about kids remembering a past life where they were killed'
Any thoughts?