I Do Not Fear Death, But I Fear An Unlived Life
Im fearful of being stuck..of what i consider unaccomplished. I feel as though im so far off track and/ or behind in life I'll never get to where id feel at least content, not miserable but not living my best life just right there in the middle. People are known to say things get better over time but do they really or does the way any individual handles their situation get better. Never did I ever think at my age I'd be living this way. Absolute torture from my perspective. Miserable. Anytime there's a light that starts showing, a glimmer of hope shit just goes to shit and I'm dragged just as far back as I was. It's exhausting and the best thing that could happen to me at this point is for all of this to be over. Im litterally getting nowhere just moving enough to go slowly go backwards. It's all too much for just me. Tired.