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I Have a Confession

My addiction to maladaptive daydreaming / compulsive daydreaming is something among many other things that I try to talk about, but never really manage to fluently talk about without saying something like, "it's difficult to explain" or "I don't know how to describe it". But I'm gonna keep trying, because I feel like talking about it right now. If I can't explain or describe something, I'll put a (something) in its place.

So, it started out with me being a bored little kid. I think we all had imaginary friends and made up little stories about them and stuff, but I didn't grow out of it like everyone else. I thought it would go away, but I'm 14, it's not gone, and it's been pretty (something)-consuming. Like, I can spend hours just pacing back and forth, daydreaming. I usually need music (it's a trigger, but I can't avoid it. That's where the whole "addiction" bit comes in; not only to daydreaming, but to music, too), so I go everywhere with my mp3 pla<x>yer.

Sometimes, I'll ask if I can be excused to go to the bathroom in the middle of class because I just want a bit of silence, a walk, and even if it's for like, 5 minutes, just a little daydream. I'll go to the ground floor, walk around once and back up to my classroom.

It's difficult to concentrate in class. If I get bored, I'll lose focus just like that and my mind will wonder.

Sometimes, it makes me anxious and stressed, and I feel as though I'm losing my mind. I know the difference between my daydreams and reality, so it's not as if I'm a schizophrenic or anything, but I always feel as though my imagination will swallow me whole or (something).

I'll leave it here for now...
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I can very much relate to what you are talking about, in fact, for a minute there, I thought to myself, wait a moment, she is describing me!!! Specially when you reached the music part, my goodness! I had no idea that this is a mental disorder, that it has a name, 'compulsive daydreaming' I just researched it and it is just describing me..!

This 'thing' didn't start with me when I was at school, I think. I am not sure when it started, but it has been with me for a long time. I cannot concentrate, for example I watch video lectures, I realise in the middle that I am not paying attention, so I start it from the beginning only to not pay attention again without even noticing and it goes on like this until i give a great effort to focus this time! When I am at work, I sometimes take a while just to travel with my imagination, I can't go on the whole day being in reality, I sometimes go out with my music for five minutes just walk around then I come back, exactly how you described it. I do very well know the difference between my fantasies and my reality, that's why it never worried me, I didn't know it was an issue, I thought I just had a wild imagination! lol
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA Were you daydreaming about boys though? :P - I can very much relate to this, I do the same! I smile, I stare, i sometimes TALK while I am daydreaming. I do all kinds of things, but I can control myself around people, sometimes I don't notice if someone is around though, here it becomes embarrassing! :p

Well, you know what, I am happy with daydreaming, other wise I will become insane living in reality! So yeah, screw it, I am gonna daydream all I want! :P
Oh God no! xD I daydream about unicorns, not boys. 0:) In that case daydream away! Yeah, life would be boring without my imagination, but I wish it wouldn't be so mind-consuming!
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH unicorns! Well yeah exactly, life would be very difficult without daydreaming, but you just sometimes lose focus because of it. Maybe trying to control it a bit will just be prefect, you will get to daydream, but you will also keep control of your mind!

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