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WhateverWorks · 36-40
Good for you for drawing boundaries. That’s really important. This persons break up stuff is not your responsibility and it’s inappropriate for them to be reaching out to you about it.

It sounds like… you’re in love with the idea of this person/relationship, not who they actually are or the relationship you actually had with them. The bitter reality is you were only with them for six months. Nobody ‘knows’ anyone in only six months. What you get is a glimpse of who they are in that amount of time and, from what you described, that glimpse was (I’m sure there were good moments), but overall getting pretty lousy heh

Might be good to look into something called attachment theory to help yourself figure out why you develop such a strong attachment to someone who was.. not a good partner. If that doesn’t click then it might be worth looking into codependence behavior. If you’ve been through trauma that would definitely affect your relationships, so I would look into that.

The bottom line is the reason you’re not over them is you, not them.

DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
@WhateverWorks Thank you for your response. Yeah, I've been through a lot of trauma in my life, and so did she. I think for me what made me most upset was how evil she was to me and she never apologized. She also left with things "unsaid" and left me in the dark about everything. I still have unanswered questions and I think that's what I'm holing onto but, I have to let that go.

And yes, this is true. You never really know anyone in 6 months.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I’d look into ‘trauma bonding’ then. Learning more about overcoming that may help.

DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
@WhateverWorks Thank you for your response!

Oster1 · M
I'm so sorry, this happened. Please, do not beat yourself up and keep replaying the should haves, could haves and would haves, over and over, in your mind. It's self torture, destructive and so non productive.

I know how you feel. Most of us, do.

I love, how you handled this, from the start. You wanted to offer her peace and happiness, in a new start.

Never regret being classy, doing the right thing, and taking the high road.

It's always best and gives you, a sense of healing and closure.

IMO, the 'baggage of the past', needs to be, left behind, so you can now open that door, to an even better relationship. I so hope, you understand.
DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
@Oster1 You're absolutely right! Thank you so much for your kind message.
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
Ha, amateur! Try being broken up for 4 years and still not completely moving on!
DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
@DrSunnyTheSkeptic That happened to me before. We were broken up for 7 years and we ended up getting back together for 2 years.
Fluffybull · F
What do you think would help you move on? Have you considered a couple of sessions with a therapist?
DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
[sep]@Fluffybull yeah, I'm in therapy. I have moved on from her emotionally. I'm not interested in her that way anymore. I think I'm holding on to how terrible she did me and how she never apologized for it.
Montanaman · M
I'm so sorry this happened to you. Don't give up on love. There's a woman out there who'll be true to you. 😔🤗🥰❤️🌹
DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
@Montanaman Thank you! [:
That’s hard, don't let what you tried to give in love to hurt yourself.
DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
@thewindupbirdchronicles Thank you 🌟
TexChik · F
You are right to avoid her. She used you and enjoyed hurting you. The sooner you can get completely over her the better. I have a lot of lesbian friends. They are the sweetest people ( to me) but not to each other. My shoulders have been cried on many times by heart broken friends. I am sorry that happened to you , she didn’t have to be cruel , but you are resilient and a bit stronger from the experience now.
DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
@TexChik Yeah you're right. The lesbian community can be very terrible to each other. I definitely feel like she enjoyed hurting me for sure.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Best way to get over somebody is to get under someone else.
DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
@MrBrownstone LOL I tried that and it did not work.
You have been grieving her loss for 4 times the time you were with her. She sounds like she was horrible to you.

So i suggest you shake it off, focus on you and not spend another minute thinking about this person.
DrunkOnATuesday · 31-35, F
@InOtterWords Yeah, you're right. She was very horrible to me. She reached out to me in March to talk about a break she was going through. I listened to her and gave her advice but, stopped answering her calls. We never really talked about how horrible she was to me and she never apologized either.
@DrunkOnATuesday it is tome to move on, go enjoy yourself

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