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Missouri proposes outlawing abortion for ectopic pregnancies

Perpetrators would face up to 30 years in prison. Since ectopic pregnancies are universally fatal to both the ZEF and the pregnant person, this law if enacted will result in needless death while not saving a single ZEF.

If so-called "pro-life" people say that they are also concerned about women, they should oppose this law. But they're silent, leading to the conclusion that they support it.
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Apparently the part about ectopic pregnancies was eventually removed from this bill.

There was a lot of backlash, and the senator clarified that abortions to save the mother's life will still be allowed.
@SW-User Well that is something, at least…the very least. “We’ll let them save your life, then".
@SW-User Yes, if the woman is at the point of death, they will remove the ZEF if there are no other options.

Any plans to investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide?
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@SW-User I don’t trust them, they have not established a reason to trust in what they say, based on their actions.
Deceased · M
These people aren't "pro-life" they are Anti-woman. Pure and simple.
@Deceased IThe OP is a lie to begin with
@Deceased Agreed.
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Some of them aren’t even calling themselves "pro-life" anymore. Now some of them have the colossal gall to call this abolitionism. I remember being furious when I volunteered at PP and some of them would be singing spirituals ! It’s like those privileged right-wingers who want to make comparisons every time they don’t get their way, to the Holocaust.
Makes me angrier than I can coherently communicate.
@bijouxbroussard They like to equate themselves with the original abolitionists. What's ironic is the modern pro-life movement is a direct outgrowth of the segregationist movement - it's literally the same people. And of course segregation itself was a remnant of slavery and Jim Crow. If pro-lifers could be transported back to early America, they'd be on the side of the slave owners.

And calling abortion "genocide" is ludicrous. ZEFs aren't a specific religious or ethnic group and the goal of legal abortion isn't to annihilate the entire human race.
Whodunnit · M
That's absolute lunacy. That's a pregnancy that would never reach it's full term anyway. It's a clear case of them needing to perform the abortion to save the pregnant woman.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Laws like that one were common in the religious fanatic states, they would base risking both dying on their belief that the unborn fetus could be Jesus returning. I know it sounds far fetched, but it’s how they see things.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@ninalanyon Short for zygote/embryo/fetus. The term is common on Reddit subs that discuss abortion on both sides.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@LeopoldBloom Thank you, I wish people would avoid abbreviations, or at least define then on first use in a post. I'm probably guilty too :-(
@ninalanyon Good point. ZEF may not be well known outside of Reddit.
Murka also funds oil drilling and fracking.
Murka isn't communist, it's capitalist.
You folks are a willing sacrifice.
It's torture for leftist people, but conservatives are fine!
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
People are fools for letting control freaks oppress them. However, since most people love living in an oppressive condition, that is why most societies have been dictatorships. Don't think it won't happen in America because it has always been very close to being one.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Nonsense. We are the foundation of what it means to reject Dictatorship. To reject autocracy. It is in our blood it will not happen.

I disagree. America has always been an autocratic country. When it was founded it restricted human and civil rights to only a fraction of the people. And then it was an oppressive apartheid state for over 100 years. Today it is trying to restrict women's human and civil rights.
DDonde · 31-35, M
@Diotrephes Absolutely not. The main character of autocracy is the consolidation of power into a single indiviudal. The entire point of our government system is to avoid this. Do you not understand the meaning of the word autocracy?
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Absolutely not. The main character of autocracy is the consolidation of power into a single indiviudal. The entire point of our government system is to avoid this. Do you not understand the meaning of the word autocracy?

The intent and outcome is the same. A loud mouth spews crap and the people go along with it because the loud mouth is giving them what they want, which is usually to screw over other segments of the population. You see that happening right now in the Red States. They were like that in the past and they haven't changed. It might seem like a democracy but it is just another dictatorship in a nicer dress.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
They just want to control women. Isn’t is the land of the free but only for men apparently.
OggggO · 36-40, M
@RocktheHouse Tell that to Lindsey Graham.
@RocktheHouse Actually, the modern pro-life movement developed out of the segregation movement. Pro-lifers are the heirs of the slave owners. Pro life dismisses women as not being entirely human just as their predecessors dismissed Black people.

Pro-life seeks to enslave women by forcing them to serve as incubators for ZEFs that pro-lifers don't care about after they're born. Pro-life is moral degeneracy.
@RocktheHouse States have the "degree of sovereignty" that a handful of unelected Federalist Society hacks grant to them. One day we will have a liberal SCOTUS, and a state will outlaw guns for anyone who is not a member of a "well-regulated militia," and you people will throw a bigger tantrum than you did when Traitor Tot lost.
To begin with, Bill's original draft was filed earlier this year. Any stupid lawmaker can propose a bill. Unfortunately, many American legislators are idiots - Americans vote for idiots. That's why we have hearings and debates and inputs from the medical community before these bills are passed. That language was removed 6 months ago. 6 months ago!!!! So yes, it is FAKE NEWS!!!!
@RocktheHouse The fact that some asshat even considered it for five seconds, let alone proposing a bill, proves that the so-called "pro-life" movement's claim that they will allow abortion to save the mother's life is BS. And ten states don't allow exceptions in cases of rape. Pro-life is based on nothing more than depraved cruelty.

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