What do you think about my view on abortion?
When it comes to the subject of abortion,I never belived in absolutes.I never thought it should be totally outlawed and I never thought it should be an everyday practice the moral and ethical implications of which to be dismissed out of hand.In my younger days,I tended to fall on the Pro-choice side of things where now I tend to be much more Pro-life.I agreed with the recent Supreme Court decision simply on a legal basis-even the supporters of the orginal Roe vs.Wade decision admit that the court invented a constutional "right"to abortion that simply never existed-and I do think that the way that abortion has evovled from "safe,legal and rare"to a cottage industry that people actually brag about is disgusting.That said,I think that they're are some cases where it may be warranted.I think no one of any common sense would disagree that it's necessary in cases where the mothers life is jeprodized.Not long ago,I would have put cases of rape and incest into that category,but now Im about 50/50 on that issue. I dont pretend to ever know what it would be liked to be raped and impregnated against my will,andI get how any woman in that situation would not want that child.No one would say she should be forced to RAISE and CARE FOR that child.But when you really think about it isnt aborting the child making that child pay for the crimes of another?The life inside you is not the one who raped the woman!By all means,go after the man you did that do you;have him arrested prosecuted and punished.But is destroying an innocent child who had nothing to do with it really fair?Would not that be compounding one tragedy with another?Am I right in how Im starting to feel about or am I off-base?