Well, I can't touch it until I quit or retire but my 401K hit the million mark last year. 20 years of saving got me there... feels pretty good knowing I can retire to a small estate in Mexico and eat tacos and sit on a beach in my golden years. :)
Macintosh · 26-30, M
@Phaedra: sweet life 😱

@Macintosh: sweet and simple. :)
CoughSyrup · F
Don't ask that question on sw 🤦
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CoughSyrup · F
@Macintosh: cuz people who make a million dollars don't have time for sw
Macintosh · 26-30, M
Maybe there's a few millionaires here on sw
CoughSyrup · F
@Macintosh: 👀 now I wanna know
Experienced33 · M
you sleep much better at night..but start working on the next one...
Macintosh · 26-30, M
@Experienced33: and how does it affect personal relationships?
In what currency ?
Macintosh · 26-30, M
@Underconstruction: US dollar

Just the begining
Macintosh · 26-30, M
@Youcannotfollowme: beginning of?

Earning many more $1 ml
Macintosh · 26-30, M
@Youcannotfollowme: oh, I see
FunKingPizzaShip · M
I inherited.
I inherited.

I doubt I'll ever have a million.
taintedprincess · 46-50, F
I wouldn't know
FurryFace · 61-69, M
i wish i knew
Gilhooly · 61-69, F
*scratching head* frustratedly
cycleman · 61-69, M
I'd feel guilty as hell in having that money and seeing people starving.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
eh, reminds me of the sellout b.s. budweiser just pulled.. suckering people into spending their money on crap beer for veterans... wtf?
then bud shows this 'patriotism' then only gives a million to the veterans.
hell a million? that won't even cover past dues with ONE agency!
oh but budweiser is trying to help those who never got a chance in hell to live but died due to politics "freedom" and all that other redherring garbage that destroys everything else than the enemy.
god that makes me mad.. come on bud you frauds, donate all the money you made from this yet another scam!
ok, i'm done.
then bud shows this 'patriotism' then only gives a million to the veterans.
hell a million? that won't even cover past dues with ONE agency!
oh but budweiser is trying to help those who never got a chance in hell to live but died due to politics "freedom" and all that other redherring garbage that destroys everything else than the enemy.
god that makes me mad.. come on bud you frauds, donate all the money you made from this yet another scam!
ok, i'm done.