You answer it for yourself, because you want to.
And then it doesn't matter if someone cares or not.
And then it doesn't matter if someone cares or not.
cloudi · 36-40, F
Not really. Some people throw some great questions. Some people just being silly. I answer any depends on my mood 😁
Elegy · 46-50
In every ten questions there is one question for ten different people.
twistermind · 51-55, F
I sometimes reply to a post only for the sake of interacting with others, even when it's only for joking. But, yes...I sometimes miss more involvement in topics that I find interesting.
Sometimes, I try to follow a topic in one of my posts and ask questions to people who reply but some of them, don't borther in replying. It's like I write my opinion and then it's done.
Sometimes, I try to follow a topic in one of my posts and ask questions to people who reply but some of them, don't borther in replying. It's like I write my opinion and then it's done.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Disagree. There are some very funny and witty answers to a lot of questions.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@calicuz: So it is for the sake of entertaining questions are needed?
calicuz · 56-60, M
@Dreammmer: Not needed, but just apart of what makes SW fun.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@calicuz: Yes I agree. It is fun at times, especially the interacting.
ConfusedMonkey · 41-45, M
Dunno. Don't care.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Nothing has value
NeuroticByNature · 41-45, F
I care. Even if its just pure craziness i care.
Unsatisfiedstace · 51-55, F
I feel that way sometimes. There seems to be a lot of meaningless crap here...,but it does give me a giggle from time to time.
I am also sometimes surprised at the the things I read that make me think about things too.
I suppose it's lile real life in that way...
I am also sometimes surprised at the the things I read that make me think about things too.
I suppose it's lile real life in that way...
Jax316 · F
Most people just don't give a shit, period. But, they answer any way