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Do you ever see someone living the life you wish you could live and have a hard time not resenting them for it.

I don't know if resentment is the right word. I hold no ill feeling for this person. But I constantly ask myself. Why didn't I make sure that was my life. It's not that much different, just slight life choice differences.
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goneeee · F
Sure...but we all take different paths in our lives because of various circumstances. Maybe that person you envy, envies you too. 😉
hideout · 36-40, M
Not a happy one. Two people pretending for there sake and the outside world.
goneeee · F
@hideout: well you do have options. better the kids live with divorced but happier parents, than a home filled with resentment, sadness and tension. there's no reason to pretend in this day and age.
hideout · 36-40, M
Don't think I would be happier. Her eaither. Now two bitter people stressing about how to get things done without the support of a partner.
I don't begrudge anyone for their success. I often wonder where their drive comes from, sort of the whole nature or nurture thing. I'm just not built that way.
hideout · 36-40, M
I feel cheated. I get the luck factor. But if my wife, then gf kept her promises, I think I would have realized what I wanted. Maybe luck. Or just better choices. If I didn't lose my license for 2 years, I would have felt less desperate, and been more honest about wanting something different
@hideout: I can get that. If I was lied to or manipulated for the gain of someone else that'd be a hard pill to swallow.
hideout · 36-40, M
I don't want to call her a manipulator. But she definatly isn't treat her promises with care. I should have used more protection. But when I did, I was told. Hurry up because it hurts with that on. And that within these dates we are safe.
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
Sure do, I work with her. We even dated the same guy (before we knew each other).
Envy maybe. But I don't feel like your jealous.

Some people are just at the right place at the right time.

No rewind button in life.

Thing about it is, you can have something like it too.
somethingIsuppose · 31-35, F
I feel like that with the way other people can make small talk or just talk and not get anxious
CzarNmetb · 31-35, M
Been there. You just have to stop comparing. Or I'm assuming you are atleast imo.

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