These two won the internet last week when Jax(left) got his head shaved so his teacher wouldn't be able to tell him apart from his buddy Reddy(right.)
Did you read that news article? It made me so incredibly happy.
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
You are so right. I've worked with children since high school all negative racial or political comments are emulated from their parents.
love could be taught but its much more work then hate---easier
I think it's easy to teach love as long as the child's mind isn't sullied with hate. I think the difficult part is unraveling any pre-existing hatred and replacing it with love.
So true
Spitbak · 56-60, M
"Tell me about it! That goofy furry thing hates me!"
Apparently you've never been at a playground or schoolyard.
Kids aren't born hateful unless they're sociopathic or psychopathic, and even then not all sociopaths and/or psychopaths are violent. Any young bullies are a result of their parents ideologies and the environment they were raised in. The quote still stands that hatred is taught and love is not.
OzDiver · 61-69, M
Beautiful ❤