Ducky · 31-35, F
For me, that would be getting the one piercing I have (navel), which I put off for so long because I was unwilling to undergo the lengthy healing process that comes with this particular piercing. I've had for almost five months now and the aftercare is not that bad at all. Now I'm already hallway through the healing process, lol.
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Ducky · 31-35, F
@MarbleMarvel I put it in parenthesis, lol. My belly button.
@Ducky OH 😂 I thought you meant besides your navel lol sorry
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
@Ducky 😌
bijouxbroussard · F
Major housecleaning after living someplace for over 20 years. I wish I’d begun it sooner, but big closets make it easy to hide clutter.
It didn’t turn out to be easy but I felt better getting rid of stuff.
It didn’t turn out to be easy but I felt better getting rid of stuff.
SmoKin · M
YES. But someone helped me out and put it in my mind that I could do it and to get on with it. It was so easy and the relief is enormous.
These mental blocks are so weird I wish it didn’t happen.
These mental blocks are so weird I wish it didn’t happen.
@SmoKin yeah it seems so nonsensical to not just do certain things, brains are weird. Glad you got it done though!
SmoKin · M
@MarbleMarvel you too buddy
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
I didn't get any of my first tattoos or piercings until I was 24 (I recently turned 28 btw). For one, I didn't know what I wanted so I didn't wanna commit to anything. But I also wondered what if I couldn't handle the pain & I ruined my skin with unfinished work 😶
Then it turned out I like the pain & got kinda addicted for a lil while
Then it turned out I like the pain & got kinda addicted for a lil while
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
@MarbleMarvel I agree with it being therapeutic. I think it's something about the pain & feeling proud of something about your body. There's so many people who hurt themselves in destructive ways but I view getting tattoos as hurting myself in a positive way. It's a wound I'm proud to show off instead of one I'd want to hide
@ChiefJustWalks it's an acceptable form of self harm. I used to cut so some of mine cover up those scars. Turning pain into art, couldn't be more human.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@ChiefJustWalks I almost fell asleep when I got my tattoos done, it is so therapeutic 😌
Yes, lol, I've found that most things isn't as terrible as I make them out to be in my head and i wasted so much time stressing myself over it.
And i still do it everytime, because that's me.
And i still do it everytime, because that's me.
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Thanks for the inspiration. I have a bunch of things to get done. I'll try to convince myself that they'll be quick & not too onerous.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Yes, I have done that way too often.
I think I am finally learning not to!
I think I am finally learning not to!
bowman81 · M
🙋🏻All the time. The doing is usually much less painful than the anticipation. To quote Roosevelt: "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
This is possibly the core of my anxiety 🤣
@SwampFlower Girl same 🤣 there's so much fun stuff to do, why do daunting, mundane tasks?
SomeMichGuy · M
Good for you! 😊😊😊
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QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
Sometimes that has happened with me.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I need to tidy the book shelf 😩 😫
Selah ·
That's the story of my life lol
Shybutwilling2bfriends · 61-69
Im good at that
Jexie · 26-30, F
Lol yes
MicrowaveDinner · M
Yeah that feels pretty standard for me 😂
MicrowaveDinner · M
@MarbleMarvel Guilt for not doing it soon enough, relief for finally doing it and then when tomorrow comes you forget it ever happened. Is the case for too many things 😂
@MicrowaveDinner being human is weird...
MicrowaveDinner · M
@MarbleMarvel its a trip thats for sure
But WHAT was it? 👀
@Teggy that kind of important thing you need to do
@MarbleMarvel follow the saying, be kind and rewind.... 😌
I walk through everything in my brain 27 times first.