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What would you stay for after you've done everything you wanted to do in this life?

Not looking for advice. Just some philosophical thoughts today. Knowing you've hit the peak of your personal fulfillment, knowing you'll never feel the same feelings you felt years ago. Accomplished all your aspirations, goals. Friends all gone. Family passed away.

If you wanted to stay, what would keep you here?
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That would be a tough situation, primarily due to the inherent loneliness it would bring. I can't imagine ever reaching a place there would be nothing left I want to do/go see, etc .. though impaired ability to due to age or health could be a road block I could nit overcome.

Despite going through a huge dick-punch to my life currently .. I am seeing an unprecedented opportunity ahead. I will have far greater freedom to pursue what I choose to with my time and what remains mine financially. I'm seeing a more interesting life ahead vs things proceeding on the staus quo of the last several years.
Softandsweet2 · 31-35, F
Life is not about accomplishing tasks - mine isn’t anyway. Sitting on the porch on a nice sunny day, vs rotting in a hole. Hmmm… not a hard decision.
My grandchildren
Redstar · 36-40, M
How would you know that you've reached the peek, though?

Do you know you wont feel the same way because you're old enough that there are certain things you can no longer hope to do? Or because you've literally done everything you want to do? But that still raises the question of how you know there isn't something else that would bring you sufficient joy.
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
I would travel.
Nunki · 31-35, F
You're saying this as if you're 90 years old 🤷🏽‍♀ Life is a journey not a destination.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
The possibility the nets win an NBA championship.

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