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When is the last time you've read online posts/journal entries you made years ago?

Randomly decided to log back on here, after being away for almost ten years. I miss the anonymity, where you could open up about anything personal. When discussions felt honest and real.

I can see the younger version of myself. The pretension, melancholy. All that. In retrospect, looking back from the present, life wisdom didn't make me smarter. Just less dumb.

So much has changed in life. Divorced now. Been away from home 15 years now. Parted ways with most friends, can hardly get a hold of remaining ones. Family living back home in my absence.

Figuring out how to start over after ten years of marriage. There is someone, yet we don't know if our futures lie together. Where imma settle once out of the Army. Feels like making friends as an adult is really as pointless as it feels, since no one cares about friendship.

I never journaled before on actual paper. This site (and Experience Project for us old timers) gave me an opportunity to journal.

We may never meet in this lifetime, but to those reading this, thanks for stopping by. It means the world to feel heard sometimes, even by strangers.

If you can, take time to visit your past self in this life. It's important to remember sometimes.

I hope y'all find meaningfulness in this lifetime.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Just the other day, in fact. It is good to look back and see the changes and growth in ourselves. Thank you for this article. When we know better, we do better. I love your honesty. It's never too late to start again. Only this time we might be smarter, and I include myself in that. It's okay to make mistakes. It's when, if we don't learn from them, that is a shame. We never stopped learning and growing. We must never beat ourselves up for a mistake. That's the way we learn and grow. And that's okay.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Hello old friend .
I just dropped in to see who’s still here ,
Say hello to a few .
The place is like an addiction ,
It was hard to stay away ,
But when your brother is laying there with a gunshot wound through his head ,
And you feel a social media site needs you ,
Your to full of yourself ..
I came to EP to share the gospel and meet new friends ,
Not turn into the internet police ..
A lot of good that done .
When SW decided to allow “adult content “,
Minors not having to post their age .
I knew what we did on EP would be useless here ( even though we were asked to check out the sight ,see if we’d be interested in helping ..
So from that alone I’ve grown .
No job has ever stopped running because I wasn’t there ,
My family will go on when I’m gone ..
I wasted a lot of time I can’t get back ..
But Grandma always said ,
If you learn from something it wasn’t a mistake ,it was a lesson ..
I’ve had more than my share of lessons ..
Glad to see your still here ,
Hope all is well .
Happy New Year ❤
I have many on another forum, actually two forums. I can come across them occasionally when I am searching for particular poems or stories. Mine from EP all were lost and I couldn't download them. I tend to look to the future not the past.
exchrist · 31-35
I review my postings with some frequency. Unfortunately my identity was stolen while i was having brain surgery so i cannot recall many of the things or where ive posted.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Google archived my posts from 1998! 🤣

The links are on my about me! 🙃

I'm a historical relic now, for all time, to anyone, long after I'm gone even. 😈
Id be afraid to look at mine
10 years? SW isnt that old
Kurainia · 31-35, M
@TryingtoLava OH MY GOD it'll be ten next year ok???

You kids and your technicalities. Driving me nuts.
@Kurainia calm yourself
tenente · 100+, M
[ me ] : ( after reading my own posts from years ago )

candycane · 36-40, F
Maybee 7 years I see

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