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Got rejected by yet another woman yesterday. Is it really unusual to get repeatedly rejected or ghosted or blocked?

So there is this another woman(lets call her J) who is from another grad school just adjacent to my grad school and we are both studying MBA in the same year. As you all know i turned 24 several weeks ago and she is 23 or 24 now. We have been chatting on Instagram for about 6 months as we have some mutual followers on Insta. Our chats were infrequent too but we kept chatting. I decided to finally ask her to hang out with me to this place called Hard Rock Cafe in our city Bangalore on Saturday. But she replied that she really appreciated my invitation but can't really come with me.

I replied that its fine but also asked the reason behind it and then she said that she doesnt really know me fully personally so she isnt comfortable meeting me in person plus Hard Rock Cafe is kinda far from her home. Then i replied "Ok fine maybe we can hang out some other time after we get to know each other more through the chats". But she then replied "I don't think so. I only hang out with my friends circle". Unfortunately i messed up a bit by oversharing the fact that my MBA is almost over and how lonely i feel and not having luck on dating apps and how will i meet women etc. Then she replied that she isnt looking for dating and isn't romantically interested in me. Yeah she was pretty straightforward in rejecting me instead of blocking and even said i was sounding desperate when saying how lonely i am and about dating apps. Then i eventually apologized about it and she said its okay and the chat ended. She didnt block me or anything but this was another rejection. Looks like no woman even wants to hang out with me.
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Maybe you need to back off from trying to come onto strange women.. perhaps they sense your desperately bad intentions

In other words chill dude
You mentioning dating apps is what did it.
@AngelUnforgiven Thank You :)
Heroisthebest24 · 22-25, M
@AngelUnforgiven Yeah thats true unfortunately I sound desperate at times. It mainly has to do with the fact that I am already 24 now and still single and there is some sort of Fear of Missing Out. I missed out on young love and sad that this year Valentines Day will again be spent alone without any partner. The FOMO is even more when I go out and see couples holding hands and walking.
@Heroisthebest24 24 is still young compared to us two, slow it down, or it will be permanent.
georgelong · 46-50, M
There is an expression here in the US. “One has to kiss a lot of frogs before meeting Prince Charming”. There is no reason why you shouldn’t politely and sweetly hit on as many attractive women as you encounter. Perhaps some reading to refine your approach? No offense intended of course.

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