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Another One bites the dust

I'm sure you guys have dealt with these kinds of people. The ones that are nice at first pretending to want to get to know you pretending to care , and as Time Will reveal they are less about getting to know you, and more focused on what they can get out of you and who they can get connected to through you. When you try to express yourself and show your opinion on things, as a way to connect with them, the accuse you of stealing the focus off of them and putting it back on yourself. They also use words and actions to manipulate and when you call them on their actions they treat you like the bad guy and kick you to the curb or hang up in your face if you are on the phone as a way to punish you for not worshiping their selfishness. Or ugly attitude on life. I have no time for these kinds of people I know exactly what they are and they can be bitter by themselves. I have too many blessings coming in life and too many good things to look forward to to want to be dragged straight to the bottom they can take... The
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Yes narcissists will accuse You of exactly what they are doing. It is a hell to deal with because they are tit for that...they can dish it out but they sure as HELL can't take it back.
I've had narcissists in my family and a friend as well...they want to fill THEIR needs at all times..yes. then act like a victim ....😯Ive read they will never ever change. Sorry you also went through it.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@Coralmist exactly and lucky enough it was not a relationship thank God I am smarter these days than I used to be. I pay attention to red flags when I get to know people and as soon as I see things like this become evident I back away quickly. Especially because these types of people will drain you dry and then when you fall they do not let you land soft nor do they care about the damage they cause and then on to the next victim. Not worth it
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@KingofBones1 Yes you will never ever ' win' with a narcissist. They are truly horrible..plain and simple. And some of them do enjoy hurting you so They can always be on top. What you said to Lilnonames was perfect..Best is to sidestep and move on from them at all. 🙁
Magenta · F
"Accusations are often confessions".. and projections. I've come to realize this with many.
Umile · 41-45, F
@Magenta nmh
Umile · 41-45, F
That's a good quote yo.
Lilnonames · F
You are too smart and know better
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@Lilnonames exactly. People like that are nothing but a giant bear trap waiting to happen. They are mad at the world because of whatever happened in their life and now they are looking to victimize others. I love my life and those I care for far too much to be sucked into that cyclone. Plus anyone who goes around just damaging good people on purpose does not deserve the empathy that could fit in a toothpaste cap. But rather than be judgmental and let them get in my head and ruin my life, or my karma I just prefer the side step altogether and be on my way
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@Lilnonames by the way beautiful thank you for the vote of confidence. Just like you you are pretty awesome yourself and far more smart than the average bird

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