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We live in weird societies...

A place where you can scream.
Let it out. Talk about it. What happened ?
Swear zone. Blame. Hatred.
All that society and others tells us to shove up.

Where are we going to scream, where ?
And everyone pretends that they're better than that, that they don't need it.

Yes right, none needs it. We're all quiet and meditative.
Until the moment comes, the circumstances make it so. We know nothing of ourselves, until we're faced with situations.

I used to scream in my pillow.

This has to be spoken. There're so many artists, healers, trainers, all kinds of professionals, all kinds of individuals, alchemizing the worlds energies, but they're not enough, more are needed, a lot more .....

If we could succeed in it, I believe we could minimise the wars and so many more..accidents, crimes, health issues....

We're so much suppressed as societies, we cannot express ourselves, our true emotions... Only half of us is accepted and the other half is left in the circumstances of each person's backstage life....
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I think I know what you are saying. I'm actually very supressed myself. I just don't have the physical strength to protect myself if someone decideds they wanna kick my ass cause of my venting.
I think some of my anger comes out in my music though, which is good. 👍
That's a sad but very true description... I wish it were different.
being · 36-40, F
@NerdyPotato we should judge less too. That gives other space to express.
And then from an expression arises expectation !
I'm trying to allow others to express. Soon they misinterpret my allowance as either an invitation to shit on me or fuck me. Excuse my language. But there's that too.
I try to allow others to be but then everyone's taking everything seriously and instead of just having a floating experience, expectations for more private experiences arise.

I'm not excluding myself from anything I'm saying. I know I'm no better.

Because, on the other side, I complain about relationships being superficial too.

I feel caged in the way societies are built.
I think I need the arts more than ever nowadays..
@being relatable... I try not to judge, but society expects an instant opinion on everything, and I grew up in a family where everyone always had one ready within a second after seeing someone or something. I'm learning to say "I don't know enough about this to have an opinion" more often, but I have to overrule my instinct for that. I do make assumptions first that I then have to dismiss for not being based on anything.

And for that reason I understand why people don't open up easily, including myself, which keeps relationships superficial for too long. If we only do small talk for over a week, I assume it isn't going to be anything else. Maybe I need to give people who are willing to talk at all some more time to get deeper.
being · 36-40, F
@NerdyPotato nerdy I'm going see and reply to this tomorrow as my night is eventful here
Samek · 36-40, M
I hate how I'm demonized for being caring and want better for people, even if I barely know them yet hating a whole group of strangers is okay and a normal thing to do.
@Samek mood...
being · 36-40, F
@Samek I don't think I understand what you mean
Samek · 36-40, M
@being In my country, negative emotions are encouraged more than positive ones.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
I love your description of "alchemizing the world's energies". That's it, isn't? Our purpose - or one of them - is to transmute lead into gold. And patience. More and patience - with others, with oneself, with the process.
pedrohedgerow · 61-69, M
A place where you can scream...I love this,and Good Bless.
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