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Life is strange, I'm trying to understand it...

I've been doing some intense work like I've told you, and was exhausted, came to this hostel and staying in this dormitory whereas all the weird things happening.
So the first few days there was a man in my room totally weird, I was feeling very uncomfortable around him and he was trying to get my attention so hard to the point where twice I had to be rude with him, in order for him to let me be.
Today I've learnt from the owner that this guy was suffering from pancreas cancer at the final stage.
I'm like, Universe ! I know people need me.
I give a lot, despite it's not obvious.
I turned my back to that person.
But why do You bring me the extra work when you see that there's nothing left of me ?
being · 36-40, F
It's the other way around too. I know I need people. But there's nothing I can do or accept, when I'm at this point of exhaustion.
So why is it still coming ?

I feel like, I open up and things keep coming. Then I'm trying to close, in order for me to rest, but closure is always bumpy.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
Perhaps if you go beyond what you think you can do, you will tap into a heretofore unknown Source of compassion.
But, yes, no guilt, no self-recriminations. You can only do your best. Thats the best you can do.
being · 36-40, F
@daydeeo that is a good hint, yet one needs some sleep too...
being · 36-40, F
@daydeeo but then if my whole being says no, there must be something going on there too.
Not necessarily something I should overcome. Perhaps something I should honour. About my boundaries.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
@being If its an issue of boundaries, that is different. If your whole being says no - not just because of empathy burnout - then, yes, you need to retreat, reflect, recharge, rejuvejuvenate.❤️
Bang5luts · M
Don't worry. When you give a lot of yourself to others the slowing down or stopping for a rest will always be difficult. Try not to be hard on yourself or feel guilty.. Because there will always be others needing your help after your rest.

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