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I feel like I’m 13 years old all the time … I’m just a kid .. in an adult body .. lost my mom.. lost my dad.. it’s just me now …

AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
You are not alone in feeling this way, I'm 56 and still don't feel like an adult.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I'm sorry. 🫂
Do you have siblings? Close cousins?
CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M
@Starcrossed 2 sisters but were estranged
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@CheezeburgerBrown I'm not super close with my siblings either.

Some of us just have to make our friends our family.
SeaGlass · F
Hugs for your ♥️
Avgeek30 · 31-35, M
Well If you need a friend then lemme know !
heal your inner child. 🖤 play w cars and do what boys actually would do, bring him out and get to know that part of u,, then you can merge it with you now, and heal it, grow it.
empanadas · 31-35, M
I know it probably doesnt mean much but you always got us. Hope everything is good
Musicman · 61-69, M
After my parents passed away I felt like an orphan for a week. 😢
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CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M

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