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Making plans .. more memories to be made!

Slept for England the weekend all this partying lark caught up with me but hasn’t stopped me just made plans for July going out with my boys and friends again for a night in town.

Life has got to be lived I Havant got time to sit feeling sorry for myself as I don’t know how much time I have on this earth so want to make the most of it and make memories with my boys.

So grateful for everything in my life there was a time I would sit indoors just crying and wanting to die but not anymore I have a great social life now and glad to be making some wonderful memories.

Holiday soon with hubby and youngest too then a night out and more BBQ’s planned as well 🙌🏻🙏🏻

If you’re in a dark place find something to be grateful for and try and live your life best you can!

Love and light to you all 🫶🏻🩵
smiler2012 · 56-60
@LittleTinks 🤗that is the best attitude too adopt do not wallow in self pity get your self out enjoy yourself why not
@smiler2012 it is I have such a positive mind right now and need to just enjoy myself and live life
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