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My feeling right now if anyone cares..

I've reached a point in my life where frankly I don't want to get bogged down anymore. I want to have a life that is carefree and happy, without unnecessary stress and complications. If you feel like chatting, that’s great, if not, well that’s ok you I can’t force
Relationships, weather it friendships or love I want to take life as it comes without complicating it too much, when you try to force things you end up hurting yourself, I did learn that the hard way, and by always trying to please everyone I now realise I was forgetting myself in the process. So now I think I will let things happen naturally. Life is full of surprises some good, some not so good but each should teach me a lesson but I think everything does happen for a reason… keep moving forward I guess.. it’s all an adventure…I just would like to share the road with someone
Sleepysheep · 26-30, M
It’s not selfish of you to hold a standard to friendships/relationships.

It should be 50/50 but if your are constantly pulling 90% of the weight than the person your with isn’t worth your time.

People are always looking for a free ride or a hand out it’s rare you find somebody that just respects you for who you are.

Keep you chin up brother Rome wasn’t built in a day and when all hope is lost is when you’ll find the one for you, and the ones that truly had your back are still beside you. 😎
EPreject · 36-40, F
Enjoy the journey

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