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Not again.....where are they????

UPDATE!! found! In an entirely different clue why i put them there!!

Oh feck!! Im a careless bint!!
A few weeks ago i posted i found a very expensive diamond bracelet of mine just laying on the stones in my front garden. I wasnt aware it was missing, but from when id last worn it, it must have been laying there over a week!

2 weeks ago, i took 2 broken necklaces to the jewellers to be repaired. It cost over £200 for the repairs.... but worth it coz of the sentimental value of the items.

Well.... today, im rooting through my jewellery to find bits to take on hols. Junky stuff, nothing good ( i would loose it for sure!) And i become aware I havent returned my repaired necklaces to their boxes! So now the job has become a rumage through the whole house to find them!
No sign of them anywhere!! Arrrgh!!!! Where the heck????
I dont deserve anything nice......
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I feel your pain! Last time I went out I hid a very expensive box from my collection and I can't remember where, I've searched everywhere I can think of and think I may have accidentally thrown it away.

I'm gutted...
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@RubySoo I can remember considering putting it in all kinds of strange places, one of which was the rubbish bin!

I just can't remember where I actually put it and with the amount of searching I've done already reckon that's the most likely...*cries*...
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@AntisocialTroll i hope you find it soon. I used to put my jewellery box in the space under the bottom drawer and the floor when we went awsy.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@RubySoo I've checked all but one of my usual hidey holes, too scared to look in the last one as I don't believe it's there lol. I'm packing up to move so everywhere has been thoroughly searched as part of that process, I'm absolutely gutted!
smiler2012 · 56-60
@RubySoo 😞you seem too be very unlucky and misfortunate far as jewellery goes
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@smiler2012 im very lucky in the fact i usually find it.....but darn careless i lose it so often!
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RubySoo · 56-60, F
Aww....thanks so much for yr encouraging words.
i really just meant that i am careless. I have a place to keep them, but after picking them up from the jeweller i obviously didnt put them back where they should be. But....i hadnt left them just lying around either, or id have found them easy.

I have found them now thanks. Actually in the right drawer, but in a box something else is usually kept in. Why would i do that? I dunno. Bother to go to the right drawer but take out a different box???

Gremlins for sure.
@RubySoo Awesome you found it!
And you are most welcome :)

Mama would, on rare occasion, say
and I am paraphrasing from our languages:
the house elves took it, leave something out for them
.. rofl.. 🤷🏼

Gremlins ... 😳🤨🤭😅😁😂 💯🥂

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