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bella12344321 · 13-15, F
Be respectful, be humble, have empathy. You want to show that you are not entitled nor are you arrogant with concrete actions and interactions. Model all these positive behaviors around the people that may seem to be too confident.

robertsnj · 56-60, M
I guess I could sub divide this into
professional and personal

professional: It happens the most in my professional career. I am in tech sales. Overall I would say that most arrogant people in that world are in insecure or in a delicate position and it is them pushing back to their situation.

In that idea it is a mix of compassion (for their situation) but having them own whatever situation created the arrogance in fhe first place. But it never anything person/ it just business to me.

In business If it is a personality trait, which is more rare I don't take it personally but note it in terms of negocations and such

On a personal level --I just move around it and don't interact with them anymore than I absolutely have to I don't get mad but or upset because that is a "you problem" not a we problem. I just don't spend time or energy on arrogant people and feel apathy to their existence on a personal level.
3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
I usually laugh and carry on with my life.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
I don't. I just trip them as they're walking away.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
My face does the talking and I ignore them.
I avoid them.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Quite often they can simply be ignored.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
Just keep being me.
I try to stay away from them
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
I would say I ignore them but they wouldnt know it lol
I ignore them.
Shut them down.
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
Ignore and wait for an out
WaafaS · 26-30, F
Ignore and move on.
Enigmaticsoul · 22-25
Ignore, keep the distance and gradually fade into obscurity
pdockal · 56-60, M
I arrogant them right back.
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Deceased · M
Deny them the adoration, admiration and attention they so desperately crave.
"Hurt me" said the masochist and the sadist said "No"
caesar7 · 61-69, M
I simply ignore and avoid them. Otherwise, it could get ugly.
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I roll my eyes and walk away

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