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I am just so freaking angry at the moment seeing all these young couples around my age 😡😡. Why am I such a loser?

Just came to eat in this Vietnamese style restaurant in the very posh area of our city Bangalore in india and the amount of young couples I see who are around my age are making me angry and feel like a loser. I turned 23 almost 2 months ago and still no girlfriend. In fact i came to this restaurant all alone because I dont have friends in my area to accompany me. I am the only one who is alone in the restaurant. I just saw some attractive girl hugging a guy and both looked in their 20s and then they hold hands and walked in the restaurant. I have a crush on this girl Akanshya in the classes where I go who is in 21-23 age range too but after her classmate told that she might be having a boyfriend, I am feeling extremely down. I am still gonna only believe it after she herself says she has a bf but i know i have no chance with her as she is too pretty and I am shy coward loser who have a hard time with a girl and its been 2 days and she still didn't reply to my first dm and follow request on Instagram. It just sucks being 23 and never having experienced a relationship with a girl. Forget relationship, i am still yet to hold hands and kiss a girl. I did go on a first date 5 months ago and got a very brief hug but thats it. I am just angry and feel like crying but can't. Why didnt God make me handsome or confident? Literally every girls in the classes where I go is taken too. It feels like I am the only one who never had a gf. Its hard going outside especially in the posh areas as I see couples often holding hands and even hugging. My life just sucks.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
It comes easy to some people, harder for others. Ain't no reason things are this way. That's how it's always been and they intend to stay. I don't know why I say the things I say, but I say them anyway.
Heroisthebest23 · 22-25, M
@twistedrope so would you say its late and difficult at 23 to get my first girlfriend?
twistedrope · 26-30, M
@Heroisthebest23 I know Jane Austin, one of the most famous romance novelists never had a boyfriend until the day she died. I don't compare myself to others and would never compare you to anyone or call you "late" for having a gf later in life. It's not common but common is generally shallow so, no. You're not late. If you want a gf, try making friends and moving on from there. Life is a bit like that really. Friends that are cool make life easier.
kutee · 56-60, T
you need to lower your expectations dont go for very sexy girls, go for a woman who is as poor as you, looks like you do, surely india its arranged by your fmaily
Heroisthebest23 · 22-25, M
@kutee I dont want an arranged marriage at all. I find it outdated and stupid. I am still a student so the girls i go for are usually college age students too or fresh college graduates. I know she is very pretty but idk whether i am even bad looking. This is me
kutee · 56-60, T
@Heroisthebest23 your ok, but not very good looking,you can impress a woman with your wit oe intelligence
hunkalove · 61-69, M
You're not bad looking. You just need to try harder. And spend some money!

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