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My crazy neighbor has won -_-

We're moving our PC tables and other stuff into the living room this evening, and we're almost done rearranging everything now. This man has been complaining about us for soon half a year, once about the fact that he could hear us whispering lol. The head of the building finally asked my husband to be the bigger man, her wording, and he agreed. I joked that our neighbor should pay us to not use the room – if he wants control over it, he buys it lol. Apparently his bedroom is on the other side of that wall, and he doesn't want to rearrange his apartment. There's nothing fair about this, alas it's how it has to be. Our PC tables will be on the wall across the couch instead of a TV, and I suppose we can use our now-former computer room for storage. /=
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gdon39 · 46-50, M
It's nice of you to move the control center of the house. Very noble of you but I have a better use for the newly unoccupied space. It's a bit naughty but beings as most people complain about loud sexy time noises it is my considered opinion opinion the clicks of a keyboard is what he is sensitive to.

With all that being said, Move a bed into that space take your man, and do it like you mean it. I'm sure the bigger man will agree if you don't. I'm a problem solver so hmu anytime you need a quick solution. And don't disappoint me, move that bed.


DR. Just Right
gdon39 · 46-50, M
@HootyTheNightOwl I like your style but no way is that better than making your own
@gdon39 Sure it is... you need to rest and sleep... a loop does not...
gdon39 · 46-50, M
@HootyTheNightOwl Oh puppy, A smoke break and a couple of drinks, and then start a new one but do something different this time like role-play the repair man coming to fix the broken bed from the last two hours of live, inhouse porn. Shake it up, baby. During the little free time of blah blah blah. I'm just busting on you bc I'm feeling spicy today. I meant nothing by it, probably.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Sounds like the wall is paper thin
Nightwings · 31-35, F
cecile · F
i would drive him mad now with loud sexual noises when he's trying to sleep just download a porn soundtrack and put it on everytime he goes to bed
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Nightwings · 31-35, F
@aboveaverageaveragejoe We don't pay rent, the apartment belongs to my husband. 😅
Lilnonames · F
Not i would do that. I'd play music in that room 24/7

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