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Why do men hate feminists?

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NigelDoes · 56-60, M
I don't at all . Why do you make sweeping generalizations?
@NigelDoes: 👍
@TwinklelilStar: @NigelDoes: btw it was not a generalization but rather a question to those men who do not like feminists hence the question mark.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Because it's an entitlement movement pushing for advantages, often in places women are already ahead of men like education.

In addition, feminism tends to blow issues that do exist out of proportion, or create entirely false issues. For instance, the stat "1 in 5 college women will be raped." Which has been quoted by various news organizations--along with the President. This is actually false. It's based on a low yield internet survey. The actual figure is more like 1 in 350 or something. Misrepresenting issues does not help women.

You have to understand feminist theory. It's very set in the idea of masculine supremacy and female inferiority. If women were oppressed for 100,000 years, then they're the only group who could never rise up against their oppressors. E.g. female inferiority. This is the undercurrent in feminism, and it can be seen in how overprotective they are of women.

E.g. a woman decides to become a stripper to make some money. To a feminist, it wasn't actually her decision, it was her being controlled by men. You can see how this assumes women are idiots and men are powerful, yes? That's feminism. Overtly, they talk about female power, but covertly, they assume males are superior and females are inferior, pathetic flowers who can't do anything themselves.

I prefer to think that men and women have always been a team--generally speaking. And that each had advantages and disadvantages that they accepted willfully to help each other. The reason women didn't have the same rights--and didn't want the same rights--was for their protection in pre-industrial America. It was a dangerous time, and women avoid danger naturally, as a whole. Naturally, after the industrial revolution, feminism came about, as society became a place women would find more fulfilling rather than onerous. But even feminism during this time was not free of entitlement. Women demanded the same rights men had, but didn't want the obligations like conscription or hard labor.

One can still be for "equality" even if they're not a feminist. One can still care about women without being a feminist. One can certainly care about men without being a feminist.
I'm a feminist. And not all men do; we've always had a number of male allies. 🙂
@bijouxbroussard: True, you have met a few.
@StackedBoxs: Enough to recognize what feminism really is, in spite of what younger people believe it to be. And to respect and appreciate the men who do support it.
@bijouxbroussard: You seem to be stuck in what it used to be, but none of that matters, the modern day feminism does not operate the same way.What matters is the feminism we see now in the present and thats the feminism we are against.What you should be doing is teaching women and young girls what feminism really is because those are the people creating this whole problem.
It depends. If you mean modern day feminists, then these are not into Women's Rights... which have largely been won, and can be addressed through the law. But today's feminists tend to be man-haters... even worse, discriminators... and slime merchants (making false charges regularly). They are not evenhanded in addressing evidence. Even more, they are tied to left-wing anti-Western or anti-US politics, meaning that they will side against the West and in support of the most misogynist hateful regimes (i.e.... some Muslim countries).

But never mind, they've exposed themselves for what they are (haters and fascists), and women have left them in droves.
Bean17 · 51-55, F
The misconception that equality already exists and the lack of understanding/minimization of the level of discrimination that does still exist.
Because they like whining...when it's time to backup what they have been saying they can't they start giving excuses.
@TwinklelilStar: So i should give you facts and figures on my opinion as a men, on why men hate feminists?...And i just told you is because they like whining...and you say i don't have a old are you?
ok seems like we talked past each other here. I did not realize that is what you meant . Ok got it now.. you think feminists whine. Fine.
@TwinklelilStar: 😌
AlmightyLoad · 26-30
the whole men hating thing might have something to do with it
@TwinklelilStar: How old are you?
@StackedBoxs: why does my age matters?
@TwinklelilStar: 😌
ME0334 · 26-30, M
I don't hate feminists, just the 3rd wave lowlifes who are looking for gender supremacy and not equality, no matter what terms the choose to disguise their words under.
I don't. 🙂
Heartlander · 80-89, M
I don't think it's men that hate feminist. I think most people just scratch their heads and ask: "and who asked you?" :)

Feminist are people who jump on a soapbox and try to tell everyone how women should behave. Is there a male version of feminist? if so, likewise: and who asked you?
I think they hate the sterotype
The internet is full of people who don't understand feminism very well. This causes confusion and hate. Most men will be feminist. If not by self proclamation, then through their beliefs and actions.
No militants have been around since forever. This idea that the new wave (which is 4th not 3rd like most internet users label them) is somehow the creator of men haters is nonsense. You should see the militants from the 60s. They wanted all men to be castrated. Luckily they are few in numbers and they don't actually represent feminism
@Qwerty14: Then i guess feminists have been hating men longer than i thought. If they are a few how come a lot of men don't like feminists?...Are you a man?
I am a man. Why would men like going g from being top dog to being equals. For women it's a step up but for men it seems like a step down. But luckily people are more educated these days and can see that by making women equal it doesn't lessen men in any way
adshaw · 36-40, M
They're using logic.
that woman was a pure ass tbh
ME0334 · 26-30, M
@Headlines: Yeah it's that kind of feminists that give all the normal women looking for actual equality a bad name.
pride49 · 31-35, M
I don't really care do whateva you want. Then again I try not to hate anyone
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I hate feminism not feminists. I like to convert feminists into being real women not the fake creatures feminism would have them to be.

I'm an equalist tho js
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
I only hate radical feminists.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
because those dudes hate the fact they're the one's who created that baby.

oh and that their dicks are small. electron microscope small.
pride49 · 31-35, M

Hillary is a badass in this one XD
Thank you i quite enjoyed that !
pride49 · 31-35, M
@TwinklelilStar: You gotta face like russian dressing! from too much russian investing! lol
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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
well you know there's the labellists and then those who really are whatnot that they are.

it goes with everything else.

another good example is vegans... the preachy and the others who tell you why they don't eat meat but would.
Cause they are crazy cunts

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