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Most entitled generation

Poll - Total Votes: 27
Gen X
Gen Z
Um.. i'm not sure about this..
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I would say, I am not certain from that list..
The boomers are for certain .

I am a gen x latch key kid.. I was left to my own devices more than I should have been.

Doesn’t equate to entitled.
@SW-User I don’t think my generation is anymore entitled than any other. Many of us were raised by people who grew up during the Depression and WWII. I know I was taught not to take anything for granted.
@bijouxbroussard excellent point, I was on the tail end of a family like that. My dad was in ww2. Both mom and dad grew up dirt poor . My sisters were all within 3 years of each other in age.

I said boomers simply because of the numbers of them. The economy scaled to the baby boom.

I may be wrong🤷🏻‍♂️
SugarNotSpice · 18-21, F
@SW-User How many there are and the economy have nothing to do with a generation being entitled or not.
Gloomy · F
None of them this entitlement talk is nonsense and result of a generation conflict.
supersnipe · 61-69, M
@Gloomy The whole 'generation' thing is rather artificial anyway. In the same way that 'decades' tend to split into distinct parts, so do 'generations'. Someone born in the late 1940s would have come of age in an age of full employment. Someone born in the mid 60s would have bumped into the Thatcher recession. Yes....both are 'boomers'.
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
I think every generation is a little entitled. I would need to look into it more to form a better opinion on which i believe to be most entitled.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
It's unfortunate that many people today like to virtue signal and place people into cookie cutter boxes with labels. That's how the left operates, a collectivist society which is incapable of any INDIVIDUAL thought is a society which is easy to being lead.

People are different and are individuals, it's about their personal choices and the values they hold which makes them who they are. All people are different no matter what their age is.
SugarNotSpice · 18-21, F
@therighttothink50 You're doing exactly the same thing, placing people into boxes with labels by claiming "that's how the left operates".
People often have opinions that can fall into one of the political sides, without their opinion being politically motivated at all.

Also, there's nothing wrong with virtue signalling.
Virtue signalling is the expression of a moral viewpoint with the intent of communicating good character.
Old people. They're the most entitled and they've earned it. I'm waiting to become one
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
uhhh my answer isnt on there

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MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
the Baby Boomers are, they sponged off their Greatest Generation parents as long as they could, taking money from them throughout their lives, never paying them back and they they turn around and treat their kids like they don't exist because they had to focus on themselves.
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
You'll find entitled people in every generation
There is no one generation that is more entitled than another ....just entitled people.

And those entitled people are made that way by their parents parenting...or lack of .

So it's a multigenerational problem.
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
Cracking me up as the poll results are dead even as I post this
I'm Generation x
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
Oh shit. Have I got an answer ....
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