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Photo of in-utero baby smiling, technology affirming human life within the womb....

Snopes is forced to concede that yes, in-utero babies do smile
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Excerpt from article above, read full article within link:

[Despite this reader's skepticism, we soon found data that showed both of these images were real, and that neither of them had been doctored.
To begin figuring this out, we performed areverse-image searchto find other stories that featured these same pictures.
The best search result that we found came from theManchester Evening News.
In 2014, the news outlet reported about the June 30 birth of Leo David Hargreaves, the same little boy who was pictured in the LifeNews post.
At the time, Leo's parents,Leighton Hargreaves and Amy Cregg, were living in Church, a village in Lancashire, England.

The article from the Evening News featured an un-cropped version of the sonogram with a date stamp of May 13, 2014, and said that it had been taken at 31 weeks into Cregg's pregnancy.
According to the data that was displayed on the sonogram's borders, it was captured in "4D Real Time" mode on a General Electric (GE) SRI II (second generation Speckle Reduction Imaging) machine. (snip)]

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The left's greatest evil: the promotion of abortion.Technology has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that what the left calls clumps of cells are actually human life/babies.

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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Remember liberals are ok with killing babies but not you spreading a disease with a 99% survival rate.
revenant · F
Remember the " do not ask and do not tell ? " thing which was in place ?

Now everyone is entitled to know whether you took the jab or not....
@revenant Exactly, and even though I got a medical exemption, my Dr believed my cardiopulminary issues would put me at too much of a risk of adverse side effects and harm me worse.
revenant · F
@NativePortlander1970 you had a good doctor.
@revenant And I am going to miss her, her husband just got transfered to Chicago with his job.
missyann · 56-60
@MarkPaul You don't understand the facts.... You said if I killed one of my children that no one would stop me. You are right on that. You are also right about the fact that there would be consequences. But you still defend women who do the exact same thing and never say one word about consequences for them.

You constantly tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. That I'm superficial, self centered, want to be center of attention. None of these things are true. You are a hypocrite. Self governing does mean " we the people ". The reason we have elections is to have the right to vote for politicians who support our values, what we believe are best for society. People disagree especially on abortion. Every state in the nation follow and support the the murder law and no where in that law does it give exemption to pregnant women.

It is a fact that an unborn zygote, blastocyst, embryo, and fetus IS a human being . These are stages of human development that everyone of us once were. When a woman makes the choice with her free will to pay a Dr to kill her baby. Both are guilty but it is the Dr who actually commits the murder but she is guilty of solicitation for murder. I don't want a law that charges a woman with a crime. I want abortions to be illegal and Dr's to fear being charged for murder.

I have used my body every day for 12 yrs to care for my children. I cook, feed, I get up in the middle of the night when they are sick, I have to shop for them. I have to make sure they have everything they need to feel safe and know that I will protect them from any harm. Sometimes I'm so tired and want to break, but as a mother this usually isn't possible. A pregnant woman only has to use her body for 9 mos if she doesn't want the baby there are people everywhere to help her. If she needs anything throughout her pregnancy there are people everywhere to help her.

The law says , not me, the law says that wilfully, intentionally, and deliberately killing an innocent human being is called murder. The act and procedure of an abortion wilfully, intentionally and deliberately kills an innocent human being. The law does not say pregnant women are exempt from these charges because she has a right to control her body. It doesn't say there are stage of development, methods or reasons that are e exempt. If there is a dead human being that has resulted because of her right, or method no matter what reason. This murder is no different than my killing my children. If my husband leaves me and I suddenly can't support them, I can't just kill them. I'm expected to find help or make arrangements for them. Go ahead and say that I am being extreme but there is NO DIFFERENCE .

You have NO right for any reason to tell me what issues I'm allowed to support meaning what government politician I'm allowed to vote for. This is not imposing my values on anyone or being an authoritarian to expect every person to follow the same laws . I have no right to tell you what value and beliefs you should have and to say who you can vote for. Politicians are the government. They propose laws. All laws are created from a moral and ethical values on what is right and wrong. NO woman or man has the right to kill.
missyann · 56-60
Beautiful. Thank You!!!!💕💕
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
I am with you on this.
There are people who are dumb enough to believe the statement below.

@Slade You are so Ghetto.
Slade · 56-60, M
@CrystalSkull shut up deviate
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"Body autonomy" only applies to the baby butchers.

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