I got into religious beliefs - spiritual beliefs so that id never feel hurt again and also so that things wouldn't bother me no more and im listening to people with religious beliefs and spiritual beliefs and it's after doing me more harm than good .
It took away my persomality completely, and now im fucked cause over my religious beliefs that i have i think no one can reach me now and understand me cause im after trying to do this "Life thing " on my own shutting myself away from everyone cause i don't trust nobody and my mind is after wondering away by itself .
The one religious beliefs i agree with is "
An idol mind is the devil playground "
A lot of intelligent thinking on your own that would drive u into deep depression and put you in the gutter .
So as far as somebody to understand u I'd see a shrink for a few weeks , one on ones if u can afford it cause some of them can have a safe grounds to talk .
Don't go by anyone that's not professional and that has no degrees cause shrinks study that stuff for years .
If u listen to anyone else outside that's not professional , u get no.1 brainwashed and no.2 u go mad and letting go of all of those ideas and advice is just as painful to understand yourself cause brainwashing can bring in so much fear into your life , crippling fear especially if your being mis guided .
Your right with one thing i need people to understand , you can't do it on your own or else u crack up .
Life is a tough game . I know now why people end it .
A person said to me about peace and how right is the person " The said do u ever trying loosing something u don't want ? It gets worse to loose when you try .
" The thoughts the person was on about .