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Do you think Dissociative Identity Disorder is real?

Have you come across anyone in real life that has /had multiple personality disorder?
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Yes it’s real. I have come across this quite a few times in my career. Usually after significant early childhood sexual abuse. The personality shatters like a mirror and you’ve got the different parts taking on different memories as it’s too much for one mind to hold. I have not yet seen a man with DID I’m sure they exist though that’s just been my experience so far.
@Notladylike Must be strange and scary to witness it at first
@UnderstandMe I think it’s very debilitating. One of my first jobs was in mental health outreach. I went to visit someone with DID and one of her child alters was out and had turned off the fridge ruining all her food. She had no money to buy more and no memory of it happening. Most genuine cases have little control of their parts.
I’m a little sceptical of people who seem to have full control using triggers to get in to consciousness the parts they want out. Maybe after years of integration therapy 🤷‍♀️.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@UnderstandMe it had me unnerved for two weeks after seeing my sisters watch back and forth between personalities. She had a little dog who wouldn’t go to sleep without tranquilizers. That poor dog was disturbed by her
Miram · 31-35, F
I did.

No, really. It is not the romanticized version made to be nor that interesting.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@Miram as in, your two personalities took on such a complex mind of their own that they were each able to form romantic relationships, and out of convenience of being in close proximity to each other (inside the same head) they decided to date each other?
Miram · 31-35, F

As in the recent surge of tiktokers going to clinics to get diagnosed with it because they think it is cool based on some movie they watched.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@Miram which movie?
🙃 I have.
She was my roommate for a time.
Her issues are very very real.
@nonsensiclesnail what kind of issues? How did you manage being with her different personalities?
How did we deal with it. Cautiously, taking it one day at a time.

She is a friend of my daughters and when they were in high school, she stayed with us for a month in the summer. I knew of her issues before she moved in. We would see it in little pockets, mostly because she spent most of her time out and about or with our daughter.
She would do and say things out of character, as someone else and then have no memory of it. A total personality shift, but nothing ever more than hurtful words or really brash comments. She would do her hair differently., war different clothes that the day before she was getting rid of because she hated and had no idea why she had them around anymore. But it was fine, mostly. Really neat lady, has lived an interesting life so far, but difficult. She’s dealt with a lot of loss in recent years which has made her a lot to deal with. Ive always thought she would do something great one day.
As an adult she lived with us for 3 or 4 months is all. She divorced her husband of two year after having decided, once again, that she was a lesbian and felt it wasn’t fair to him. She would have been longer but my son and grandson moved back in with us and she felt weird about it and got her own place. But this time, it was a lot harder and honestly was a relief when she left. I’ve had very little interactions with her since. She made my husband very very uncomfortable.
I cant tell you how many times she offered my husband and I, never together, but separately, a thrupple relationship. She says she flirts when shes anxious. She gets aggressively sexual and possessive of people. She informed me that she was going to have my daughter one day, she was hers. But I know from knowing her all these years, that wasn’t really her. It’s part of her, one of her personalities, but not who she is usually.
She would have entire conversations with us, all giggle and smiles to. A few moments later believing she hadn’t seen us in three days. She mentally lives in the past in these down times and has a. Whole world of optimism and plans in the others. She’s on or shes off. She doesn’t have a lot of in between. It wasn’t an absolute personality change, like she didn’t have another name or anything crazy. She was just unaware of her actions, good or bad, a short time later. Depending on what version of her she was in the moments that you had talked to her previously.

The one thing I can say is that id never go along with her crazy moment ideas, i just kept her at arms length and didn’t argue in any way, or she would just go on and on and on and on and on. I. Would extricate myself from the situation and leave the house honestly. And by the time I would come back she would either be holed up in her room, or fine again. She has a lot of medical issues going on, she was on all sorts of things and if she forgot to take her meds, it was painfully obvious. I would usually jsut ask her about her pills and she would think it over and figure it out.

She’s spent a good amount of time seeing doctors, going in and out of mental facilities since she stayed with us. She’s not doing great. I would love to be of help to her, but a little part of me is scared of the havoc she will bring back into my life, so I stay away. Yet at the same time, I know she needs a support system. I dont think I can be that for her.
@nonsensiclesnail must be a very difficult situation to handle for you but the way you handled her is worth an applause.The fact that you didnt loose your own senses or didn’t get angry in order to manage her speaks a lot about your personality and kindness.
Very glad that you shared your experiences with us.🤗
iamelijah · 26-30, M
Idk. I wanna believe it but sometimes I feel myself doing the same thing. I have multiple names for no reason.
But I don't think I have that because I am fully aware what am I doing now.

Each name is different persona. Idk why. Maybe because have my own fantasy to my escapism.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@iamelijah we all have multiple names. Forename, middle name and surname

iamelijah · 26-30, M
@pianoplayingsteve I was about being serious. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
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DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
It's rare but I have known someone who has it. I could definitely tell when he would switch identities, it was like talking to a completely different person.
@DearAmbellina2113 was that scary?
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
@UnderstandMe confusing at first
MissingLink · 51-55, M
I have, but not really sure, if they really had it or would use it as an excuse for their poor treatment of others
Miram · 31-35, F
@MissingLink that's always load of crap. Even if they had it, they don't get to use it for harm.
MissingLink · 51-55, M
@Miram it would always be, when I was mean to you yesterday,it wasn't me it was "Billy" or who ever the other personality was named
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
Yes it is real, and yes i have come across people who have had this condition
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
That is a tough one, only person who can feel the experience is the person who has it, I do think it is quite rare and that there are some people who move between personas they like to present intentionally that gives the impression of DID but is not. I do that with something similar but it is not DID because I know it is happening when it does.
multiple identities are inherent in all people.

the meaning is in the error in the operation of the control mechanism of this property.

if the assemblage and control point of a person's self-identity is below the mental mechanism that assembles the person, then it becomes a visible process. did.
I used to have it, but we're fine now.
i believe it is very rare
cev77 · 31-35, F
I definitely think it is real. I met some people with it in an online trauma support group (DID is caused by trauma).
eMortal · M
Yes, my ex, it felt like talking to a different person every day!
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@eMortal maybe you were and you haven’t told us that you are blind

eMortal · M
@pianoplayingsteve that makes sense!😂😂😂
Absolutely 👍. Just look around sw 💁‍♂️
In real life I know a few,actually it’s the same person though
Wiseacre · F
No, but I believe it exists
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@canusernamebemyusername was that both you and your second alter ego answering?
Diaermatty · 56-60, M
What do know I a baby
Sometimes my girlfriend a few beers in her and she becomes somebody else. I just leave
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Freeranger · M
Not so much what I think, but what I wonder here. Does anyone else wonder where allllll these unearthly "disorders" appeared? Didn't here about any of that from the Greatest Generation forward till what.......a decade ago or less?
I mean, holy hell people, suck it up tired of all this. Grow a set.
And for the record UnderstandMe...I'm not bustin' on you, or the post....but I feel we should be honest with our replies.
@Freeranger these struggles are real.They were not a decade or so earlier but the world has changed a lot since .
Freeranger · M
@UnderstandMe The life in this current world is a cake walk regarding the burdened walk of mankind. I'm sorry......but while I listen to your contention.....I feel it fails.
And, anyone else who feels I'm off, take yourselves back to the 1930's and the Great Depression. It is in THAT world that, a whole generation, deprived of everything, displayed it's peasant's tenacity, surviving and thriving on very little.
Comparatively, when bumped up the Greatest's a collection of pussies who need to get over themselves. I tire of them. I'm not alone.
@Freeranger atleast you acknowledge that there’s a collection of pussies out here ,in other words ppl who cannot solve their own problems or have issues that previous gens didn’t have
You answered your own doubt .
candycane · 36-40, F
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M

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