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I've long suspected that I was cursed with bad luck, but nothing quite drives the point home like stepping in dog doo for the third time today

I'm just done with everything right now. I'll try to find the humor in this tomorrow, but for now I'm feeling quite defeated.

Good night, SW. Captain Pooshoes is off to play Legends: Arceus for the rest of the night
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I'm going to go ahead and laugh since you're already asleep and I'm safe. 😂😂😂

A very pristine clean and particular male friend of mine did the same thing one time when we went to the lake, hahaha, and I couldn't help it because he's so picky! I thought I would die laughing and of course he didn't think it was very funny, since he has OCD. 😂😂😂😂😂 ( and before you even start in on me, no I'm not laughing about him having OCD.) 😂😂😂
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@LadyGrace It happens every once in a while, but 3 times in one day just feels like someone has it out for me.

Oh well. It is kinda funny, it's just a pain having to clean it off and feeling gross all day.
@TinyViolins I agree! That's really just too much in one day good grief! I am sorry this happened to you I know it wasn't funny at the time and I probably would have felt the same way as you. Yes you're right about that, what a mess to clean up. Hopefully it never happens again.
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Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
I think that is better than stepping in bear poo in your new boots. :( that sucker had been eating some kind of berries and e en after scrubbing they are ruined.
@Fungirlmmm should've been wearing cowboy boots
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@Justafantasy I do often but I was cold and the meds give me chills. The uggs keep my toes from curling under.
TexChik · F
@Fungirlmmm So the Pope is Catholic! 😂
Maybe try looking where you walk
Jungleman · M
there are worst things in life than stepping in dog shit, stop being weak.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@Jungleman Says the 40 year old that still obsesses over his looks and gets anxiety buying groceries

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