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I'm not sure if I inadvertently volunteered to pick up a shift on my day off... Have you ever done this?

I'm beginning to feel like I'd be letting the team down if I didn't show but now that I am home, I don't feel like going in today...
Separate what you feel from what you need. Supporting your team and looking like a good guy isn't ever a bad thing, that I'm aware of...outside of peculiar circumstances.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@nonsensiclesnail Strangely, the team would understand if I didn't go in. I just spent the last 4 shifts in a Locked down ward with 14 Covid positive dementia patients, all by myself. Even though it was Night Shift there should have been 3 of us to tend to that many.
Don't go then. Stay back. There's always another chance to compensate.
itsoeasy · 56-60, M
dont go in, it sonly work
Lilnonames · F
I did that Saturday but told him 3 hours ahead

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