Yeah it tries off set it a bit by leaving people who were online recently up a while. The green dot will switch off, but the profile still stays there a good while afterwards. Basically with the green dot switched off all of the time, you'll always appear to have just gone offline and it might be lets say a 50/50 if you are actually online.
That said I can pick at what the chances are you're online right now this very second all day long it still doesn't change the fact it's directly highlighting you when you're sorta wanting to go under the radar. I mean people will contact you for one reason or another who'd of never even thought about it until you suddenly popped up on their picture feed one day directly in front of their face lit up like a Christmas tree, lolz.😅
So yeah I really don't get it why they didn't just it make it green dot off, you don't appear on the feed and have done with it. Maybe even have the option to switch it off, and then you don't appear on it, because well you ain't using it, or whatever.🤷