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Grateful4you · M
I almost died over a month ago from an internal bleed out, There was no pain or cold, just a vague tiredness, a bit drowsy but otherwise, no fear, no pain. The following day, I was actually feeling hungry and able to walk around the nurses station. I have no idea what your symptoms are saying.
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Iwillwait · M
@Grateful4you How did you figure out you were bleeding out?
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Grateful4you · M
@Iwillwait I passed out here at home and luckily a friend was here and called the EMT'S. They started transfusions locally and once stable, transferred me to a major hospital in Palm Sptings. More transfusions then the next day, anal laser surgery to fuse the bleeding polyps.
NewBeginnings7790 · 41-45, F
It seems I have done the same, laying watching the sun begin to light up the day… day or night it seems my soul is longing… and I feel numb
SolGryn · 31-35, M
@NewBeginnings7790 when did this start happening for you?
Psychoticknight · 26-30
Sounds like smoking a Jay would do you some good fella