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Location roll call?

As far as you are comfortable with.

Me, I am in Kentucky, US, eastern time. Weekends off, which is why I'm able to be up now at 1:15am.

How about you? location? time? reason for being awake?
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helenS · 36-40, F
Central Europe, 7:25am. Reason for being awake: I'm an early riser and I got up at 5am when the birds were flirting with me.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@helenS agreed. I suppose my 1:33am is your morning AM. cheers. I just like hearing different perspectives.
@helenS If you are a troll, you are a well-meaning troll.
helenS · 36-40, F
@SW-User thank you! 🌷
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
Michigan, 4:17 am Eastern time.
I’m awake because I’m not asleep. 🤷🏻‍♀️
GunFinger · F
South-east Queensland, AU 4:37pm.
Michigan, Eastern Time, not
Oh, we are in Eastern Daylight Time, now.

A set of Michigan counties which border Wisconsin don't use Daylight Savings Time, so their clocks read the same as Wisconsin's in the summer.

[WI is in Central Time, and participates in Daylight Savings Time;
Central Daylight Time (CDT),
Central Standard Time (CST), and
Eastern Standard Time (EST) are related by

CDT = CST + 1 hr = EST

This is true for any adjacent whole-hour timezones where 'C' is West of 'E'.]
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
Melbourne Australia
Elessar · 26-30, M
Venice, Italy

Reason of being up: it's 9am and I'm sick 😷
Me, I am in Ontario, also eastern time. Now have weekends off. Reason to be awake, cause I'm mostly always awake until I'm not, and I go to nights tomorrow night.
HarryHawk · 61-69, M
SW England, 6:28 BST. I'm usually up by 5am because I start work at 7, though not today.
helenS · 36-40, F
@HarryHawk Another early riser! 🌷
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@HarryHawk I could not handle SW at 6am. what do you like about it at 6am?
HarryHawk · 61-69, M
@HellsBelle I love the peace and quiet, both irl and online. All I can hear outside is birdsong, and on SW most of the crazies are asleep!
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Uk been retired for yrs yet still wake up at workoclock 6am
Barny52 · 56-60, M
@HellsBelle yep can’t get passed 6am that’s why i look on here in a morning cant do much else with people still being in bed so i can’t be busy outside and making a noise
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@Barny52 what do you like about SW at 6am (ish)?
Barny52 · 56-60, M
@HellsBelle i just read posts and comment on a few, it fills in some time especially trying to find new posts !!!
Poppies · 61-69, F
US, Eastern Time, retired, so I can stay up late if I feel like it. Sometimes I feel like it and sometimes I don't. About to go to sleep now.
Scarfface · 46-50, M
Northwest England, it's 6:45 am so I'm awake to start my Sunday. Had a little snooze so I'm awake a bit later than usual.
Imsleepy · 31-35
Mississippi 🤮
It’s 12:35 here and I’m awake because of my insomnia.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@Imsleepy I take trazodone for that lol
Imsleepy · 31-35
I’ve never tried that. Maybe it would help me as well. @HellsBelle
Crusher69 · 61-69, M
Im in Auckland, New Zealand - its 6.45pm (sunday) - so very awake and having a beer 😃
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
South Australia. Central Australian Time. Coming up to 1530 Sunday ergo awake.
Scotland, 7am,
helenS · 36-40, F
@SW-User We are ahead of you, as always! 🇪🇺
@helenS We're trying to catch up
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
I'm in Texas. I probably wasn't awake when you posted this.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@MrSmooTh im in Dallas
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

I am bored and lonely.

I am getting tired though, and am going to log off now.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@JoyfulSilence ah, same time as me. but you didn't answer half of what I asked
romell · 51-55, M
Right across USA of what ever the time in USA am just ten hours behind
Sweden 7.20am. i have kids 😂
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@SW-User wow that seems like a whole other world that it's morning by you! its 1:22am here. but yes kids are demanding 24/7. I'm glad I don't have any
AirForce687 · 36-40, M
@SW-User how many kids do you have??
@AirForce687 i have 2
PassingThrough · 46-50, M
Pennsylvania 1:23 am
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@PassingThrough high five. but answer to any other question?
PassingThrough · 46-50, M
@HellsBelle reason I’m still awake? I’m a night owl for the most part.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Dallas Texas
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@TheRascallyOne answer to anything else I asked?
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@HellsBelle OK so I'm technically still at work but I'll be leaving soon we're leaving soon I only have Sundays off and I can't remember for Eastern or Pacific but I can tell you it's about to be 12:30 am
Ramrod · 46-50, M
Ohio here,5:30am,im up for work. :)
Dhaka, Bangladesh. 08:57 pm.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Northern England. I woke early.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
I'm awake cuz neighbors be cray and are launching fireworks..
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6:25 AM
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
I’m in Texas
1.36 am cuz im dumb
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@SW-User lmao your response somehow got flagged as fet*sh, just fyi
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th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User you always seemed smart to me
DDonde · 31-35, M
East PA 1:24 AM
Haven't gone to sleep yet cause it's Saturday
helenS · 36-40, F
@DDonde It should be Sunday by now, at 1:24am?
DDonde · 31-35, M
@helenS Yes technically it's now sunday haha
helenS · 36-40, F
@DDonde 👍 😏
Bang5luts · M
Planet earth or there abouts.
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HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@V00doo you came here for something
@HellsBelle Same thing every day, couldn't sleep
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@V00doo very understandable. sweet dreams
Shit hole central, california, it's nine hours after you posted so I'm still drinking coffee and playing with my cat whenever she pops in.
4.50pm here in heaven
Lilnonames · F
It's 5 am in Tennessee

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