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Lostpoet · M
When you start running it is hard to stop and you find yourself running away from the things you wanted to keep.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
In general running away hasn't served me well.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Sometimes yes
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
Depends.... Running away from a toxic environment that caused you trouble makes sense... But to generally run away from problems, it won't make any difference.
Running away from toxic situations, yes and always.
Running away from self, never.
Running away from self, never.
I run away everyday in my mind
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Why Resist? Cause I am still alive.
PiecingBabyFaceTogether · 31-35, M
I do.
Depends what you're running from really