firefall · 61-69, M
it can cycle on very short, short, medium or long terms. A lot of it is driven by brain chemistry (serotonin levels in the brain),and indirectly by what hormones etc are in your blood; so a pattern of feeling sharp depression for 24 hours followed by a couple of days of feeling OK, is not uncommon, I think
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firefall · 61-69, M
@youprobablydontknowme: thanks ... just the way the dice rolls, sometimes
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youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
@firefall: yeah I guess:/
Datdudeblack · 36-40, M
mine is constant. its always there even when im happy and everything seems fine. everyone is different.
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
Sorry you have that:( true
If you have depression at periods of time then that is call "bipolar depression" I believe. 💖
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
Ohh right, Thankss:)
OceanKayak · 31-35, M
Pixy, True, sometimes you're happy sometimes you're not - in the extreme instances though

Someone mentioned 'bipolar disorder', but I doubt. You have to be very careful when diagnosing yourself because eventually, you'll make it out that you're a psychopath. LOL.
Depression is the same, constant mood of nothingness. It's like a cloud that follows you everywhere--makes it incredibly difficult to think clearly sometimes. You may have moments of clarity--shots of hope, but then the darkness hits you all over again... leaving you feeling as hopeless as you did not too long ago.
I suggest seeing a therapist before you do a doctor. A therapist will seek alternatives and solutions rather than ask of you to resort to taking medications. Doctors will only prescribe based on your 'symptoms'. Much luck.
Depression is the same, constant mood of nothingness. It's like a cloud that follows you everywhere--makes it incredibly difficult to think clearly sometimes. You may have moments of clarity--shots of hope, but then the darkness hits you all over again... leaving you feeling as hopeless as you did not too long ago.
I suggest seeing a therapist before you do a doctor. A therapist will seek alternatives and solutions rather than ask of you to resort to taking medications. Doctors will only prescribe based on your 'symptoms'. Much luck.
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
Lol yeah I don't want to accept any label that I'm depressed. I only want to accept depression as a feeling as sometimes I feel fine. Ahh okay will do, thank you:)
Alphie · 31-35, M
Depression can last for months, even years. It's a psychological difference between what most experience, which is a periodical depression, or a "blue period", compared to an actual depressive diagnosis which a psychologist diagnose.

Everybody's is different ...mine is triggered by different things comes and goes in waves ...when it comes I just have to ride the wave until it settles again
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
Yeah that sounds like what I'm going through too. Thanks

@youprobablydontknowme: sorry , I hope it settles soon will take time ,just try to maintain perspective of things will pass
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
@Chernobylplayground: thank you:) hope yours settles soon as well
dreamaway · F
its constant but sometimes you forget for a while. Those are the happy moments. And then you remember.
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
I see. Thank you

It can ebb and flow.
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F

@youprobablydontknowme: It can come and go, or decrease and increase depending upon a variety of things.
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
@Luminescence: oh okay, thanks:)
pearllederman · 61-69, F
i would hope not unless you have a chemical imbalance causing it
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
Hopefully not😁
Finerthings · 56-60, M
I'm bi-polar so get extremes every day sometimes
bijouxbroussard · F
For me it comes and goes. Sometimes it's overwhelming, other times it's just a nagging undercurrent.
youprobablydontknowme · 26-30, F
Oh right. Pretty much me too