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Are you a prepper?

If so, is there a specific threat you're preparing for?
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Rickg · 31-35, M
Wish I was

Was caught with my pants down with this pandemic

I’d build a bunker if I got the land and money to do it
@Rickg In 2011, my city had no power for about two weeks. The grocery stores were empty, it was cold, houses were damaged from the storm. It only took a few days for chaos to kick in.
Rickg · 31-35, M
What city was that if you don’t mind my asking
Toronto went though a massive blackout when I was young, like six years old, I just remember walking up the street and every traffic and street light bring out And my family yelling at me not to let the co,d air out if the refrigerator

Just makes you think how fragile society is @HUNT5M4N
@Rickg It's a town in Alabama. It was the result of severe weather, maybe a hurricane. It was chaotic, yet people forget so easily that it can happen again at any time. They think everything will always be the way it currently is. Those are the people who will not survive.
God no

When it's time to go it's time to go
sarabi · F
I'm a spontaneouser
Myzery · 41-45, F
Only from June to November.
The possibility of a hurricane.
Nimbus · M
Specific threat?

The supermarket running out of HobNobs.
@Nimbus People only seem to care about buying toilet paper. I think you're good.
Nimbus · M
@HUNT5M4N I don't worry about TP as I have about 165 in stock.
@Nimbus People around here are buying up all the fuel, using everything from trash bags to milk cartons to contain it. Smart folks!
meJess · F
I used to be a girl scout.
I ain’t hiding when the time comes (martial law), I’ll be having everything cocked and loaded beside me.
@BalladOfADeadSoulja A situation like this is inevitable. It's good to be prepared.
@HUNT5M4N if I’m going to go down at a time like this, I’d rather go down standing on my own two fighting til my last breath. The thought of it doesn’t scare me one bit, been ready for that mortal hour since I was a child.
tenente · 100+, M
the rise of the robots 🤖
oh lol never mind 😂
@tenente My only concern with AI is that we'll use it to destroy one another.

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